P. 56
2. Lance, K. C., & Kachel, D. E. (2018, March 26). Why school librarians matter: What years of
research tell us. Retrieved from
In this websites, there are highlights and point out the work of librarians and also school library
programs. In addition, this website also says that the mere presence of a librarian is associated
with better student outcomes, but what librarians do also have positive effects. Multiple studies
have found that test scores tend to be higher in schools where librarians spend more time: -
o Instructing students, both with classroom teachers and independently;
o Planning collaboratively with classroom teachers;
o Providing professional development to teachers;
o Meeting regularly with the principal;
o Serving on key school leadership committees;
o Facilitating the use of technology by students and teachers;
o Providing technology support to teachers, and
o Providing reading incentive programs.
Not only that, this website also states that school librarian can be as a school leader teacher, co-
teacher, in-service professional development provider, curriculum designer, instructional
resources manager, reading motivator, technology teacher, troubleshooter, and source of
instructional support. Having librarians take an instructional role -and do it well- has been
correlated with students‘ success at meeting academic standards