Page 30 - จรรยาบรรณและจริยธรรมทางธุรกิจ (Code of Conduct) (TH-EN)
P. 30

Code of Conduct

                     Employees shall avoid communicating confidential information, either in verbal or written form,

               through public or online social media in order to protect such confidential information from outsiders.
               Any text messages, pictures, audio messages or information that could cause conflicts or discord
               within society, unlawful, or negative impact on the Company’s reputation, customers, individuals,

               or groups shall be avoided.

                     The  Company  has  a  duty  to  not  divulging  information  to  third  parties  except  under  the
               following circumstances.

                      1)  The concerned party has been given prior written permission to do so;

                     2)  Information disclosure complies with the laws.

                      3)  The Company has a duty required by regulators to disclose information through public;

                      4)  The disclosure is necessary to protect the Company’s assets without violation of the law.

               7. Management of Conflict of Interest

                    •  Directors, executives and employees shall not place themselves in positions where their own
                        interests can conflict with those of customers or the Company. The decision shall be made
                        solely based on the best interest of customers and the Company.

                    •  Directors, executives and employees must avoid the situation that may cause the conflict of
                        own interest with customers or the Company. If conflict of interest arises, it shall be ensured
                        that  it  is  a  fair  treatment  to  customers  and  the  Company  by  disclosing  information  or
                        denying to act or act another appropriately.

                    •  Directors, executives and employee or family member that have direct or indirect interest
                        in  conflict  with,  or  may  conflict  with,  the  interest  of  customers  or  the  Company,
                        shall disassociate from any involvement in making decision related to such interest.

                    •  Any involvement in an external activity or position of directors, executives must not cause
                        conflict  with  customer  or  the Company’s interest,  and  must  not  cause  any  damages to
                        customer and the Company.

                    •  Directors, executives and employees are required to strictly comply with the work systems
                        and conflict of interest preventive and management measures defined by the Company.

            Corporate Secretariat Office Division I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited   13
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