Page 25 - 2.จรรยาบรรณและจริยธรรมทางธุรกิจ
P. 25
Code of Conduct
Message from Chairman
Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited has been operating life insurance business
for serving the general public for many decades. Life insurance industry is significant to the country’s
economic system and has long-term obligations and responsibilities to customers. Therefore, the
Company attaches importance to management under the good corporate governance which adheres
to the Code of Conduct, transparency and accountability. The Company is also awareness of
responsibility to every stakeholder.
With its mission to be a strong life insurance company, demonstrate good image, and operate
the business under the corporate governance and international risk management standard, Muang
Thai Life Assurance has formulated “Code of Conduct” concerning general work principles and the
Company’s ethics. Muang Thai Life Assurance is committed to good management principles adhered
to the corporate governance in order to ensure that all directors, executives and employees adhere
to those guidelines and have a common understanding and standard on best practices.
Due to today’s challenging competitions in terms of business, investment and services, the
Company deeply realizes that to be able to operate life insurance business sustainably, the Company
needs to strictly adhere to integrity. We believe that integrity is an essential factor for building good
reputation and credibility to customers, business partners and related parties. Involving in illegal
operations, corruption or unethical actions to only achieve a goal is not creating sustainable success.
The Company, therefore, completely opposes all kinds of corruptions and intends to continue
sustainable success based on the Company’s Code of Conduct and compliance with the international
Mr. Photiphong Lamsam
Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited 6