Page 27 - 2.จรรยาบรรณและจริยธรรมทางธุรกิจ
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Code of Conduct
Compliance with Laws: The Company strictly complies with legal business practices in
accordance with relevant laws and rules as well as adheres to the management principles under the
corporate governance. In addition, the Company avoids any operations and supports which might
involve illegal actions against laws, rules, regulations and the Code of Conduct.
2. Visions, Corporate Culture and Core Values
Company has established visions, organizational culture and core values for all employees to
adhere to and comply in every step of work. The Company will also apply these as key guidelines to
serve customers and employees.
“To be the customers’ trusted lifetime partner
through innovative life and health solutions
by putting customers at the heart
of everything we do”
Corporate Culture and Core Values
Corporate culture refers to the values, beliefs and norms influencing employees’ behaviors
which are arisen from learning from each other, have been adhered to and become our mutual
tradition. Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited hereby adheres to the following
core values as our expected Code of Conduct.
“MTL Core Values”
1) Customer Centricity
• Customer value mindset
• Outside in
• Beyond expectation
Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited 8