Page 22 - Learning How to Photograph with your DSLR Camera 2nd Edition Jan 2021
P. 22
The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) histogram
looks similar but will show the intensity
of the colors. I prefer having the
channels like this. If you look closely at
this histogram you can see the
highlights (to the right) were clipped.
Clipping is a term when exposure is
outside the range of tones. Again, this
is not what we want. A better option, in
this case, would be to adjust our
exposure, and then recheck our
Under and Over Exposure
A couple of things I should point out in the above illustration. These are examples of
underexposed, exposed, and overexposed image histograms. Note that on the scale
baseline it goes from 0 to 255. This is important to understand. O is pure black, while
255 is pure white. In the middle are all the other tones from black to white with very
middle being neutral grey.