Page 23 - Learning How to Photograph with your DSLR Camera 2nd Edition Jan 2021
P. 23

In the underexposed example the histogram is shifted to the point it is heaped up along
               the left line at 0. This means a good portion of the image is pure black, and there is little
               to no detail in those areas of your image. Some of this might be recovered in post-
               processing software like Adobe Lightroom if it were not so much. In the overexposed
               example, the histogram is pushed and heaped up on the right. That is pure white and
               will have no recoverable detail. This would not be something that even Lightroom could
               fix. Any time a histogram is pushed and heaped up on the line to the left or right it is
               called clipping of the blacks or highlights. We do not want to clip.

               Highlight Warnings (Blinkies)

               Highlight warnings or Blinkies, show up
               on your image if you enable this in your
               camera menu. Check your manual on
               how to activate the highlight warnings.
               It is a good idea to be able to see this,
               as you will recall clipped highlights
               record zero data. When activated what
               you will see on your image in review
               mode on the LCD is flashing areas over
               all the clipped highlights and or blacks
               in your photograph. This can be
               verified on your histogram as you will
               see the exposure data shifted to the
               right or left.
                                                                  Figure 9  Red areas that will blink if the highlights are clipped

                                                                  on a Nikon LCD screen.


               So, for an assignment, I would like you to check your camera manual and find out how
               to review your histogram on your LCD screen. Also, look for the setting to activate
               highlight warnings, “blinkies”. This is something you should set up now and use
               frequently to check your exposure.

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