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                                                                                                              S y s t e m
              Meet The Products

             Maximize your nutrition with a perfect blend of essential ingredients.
                                          Now that's a Smart Nutrition!

            Nutri Shake                 Le´Vive Slim                 Ultra Cleanse                   Green 29

          NutriShake is a perfect     Le´Vive Slim is a healthy     The properties of natural     Green 29 is specially
          performance shake for      option for those looking to                                 made of fruit, vegetables,
            jump-starting your                                       herbs, probiotics and       grains and seed extracts.
            metabolism and as       stay “slim” but are always on   enzymes support internal      This product contains
           meal replacement it       the go! Just add the contents   cleansing. Within 7 to 10   various plant extracts such
          comes fortified with 26    of each package to a bottle    days you may experience     as Lecithin,  phospholipids
             broad spectrum            of water. Le´ Vive Slim                                  that are naturally found in
              antioxidants, 9                                       relief resulting from the     animal and plant  cell
           aminoacids, vitamins,     contains Garcinia cambogia    elimination of toxins from       membranes.  This
          and minerals that help     and Maca for weight control    your system thanks to the   ingredient helps to control
           to satisfy your hunger     and added energy, along     effects of this formula on the   the flow of nutrients into
           reducing the oxidative     with the powerful blend of   digestive system throughout     and out of the cell,
            stress of fat burning     antioxidant juices found in         the body.             working as a fat emulsifier
                                         Ardyss Le´ Vive.*                                      and boosts the metabolism
                                                                                                of fat, ideal for weight loss.

          If prepared with water,        Contains Garcinia           Contains a propietary       Contains Spirulina, which
          you will provide 130grs    Cambogia, which increases                                   helps with detoxification,
        calories & proteins to your   energy and helps to remove   cleansing blend to help detox.  energy and weight control.
                 body.                         fat.

             The Meal                      The Fat
           Replacement                      Burner                   The Detoxifier              The Transporter

            The supplement-related statements above have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Additionally,
              these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure, or prevent any disease. For more information about
           nutritional supplements which can maximize your Transform Results, please call Ardyss International Customer Service or visit
                                                   our web site
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