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What Does The System Consist Of?
1 balanced meal 2 shakes 3 snacks
Always have one Two times a day prepare Treat yourself three times a
well-balanced meal during your NutriShake with water day right after breakfast,
your day. Remember that or non-fat/soy milk, you can lunch, or dinner with low-fat
diets rich in nutrients and mix the shake with other healthy snacks that
low in fat, along with Ardyss products and any contribute toward better
plenty of rest and a fresh fruit health. Thermogen Tea is
positive attitude are also (up to 2) of your choice for the ideal snack that boost
essential. Of course, all better results. This meal the metabolism by raising
things in moderation replacement is best taken as the body temperature and
– including exercise. breakfast and lunch. allowing those fat cells to be
utilized as energy.
Find a good selection of
healthy foods and snacks in
the "Nutritional Group Sheet" 1
of your kit. You can also
customize your own flavor
and have fun! See the
"Recipes" sheet or enter the 2 3
official web site for new ones
on-line at