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ARTISTIC                                 HIGH SCHOOL
                            TRAINING                                  PLACEMENTS

                        Auditioned program that                     Students receive hands-
                         provides youth training                   on training through co-op
                             with industry                          placements for credits
                          professionals. 200+                        towards community
                           students in 2019                          hours for graduation.

      CHILDREN’S                               YOUTH USHERS                                   SCHOOL
      ENSEMBLE                                                                               MATINEES
                                              Opportunities for young
     Young performers                         people between 12 and                        Subsidized tickets for
   audition for roles in the                  16 to gain valuable work                    school groups providing
     ensemble of family-                      experience in the field of                 youth with their first arts
    friendly productions.                      customer service. Over                      experience. Nearly
  Over 200 auditioned for a                    150 participated across                   11,000 students attended
       spot in 2019.                             Ontario in 2019.                         a performance in 2019.

      Running parallel to the success of Drayton Entertainment’s theatrical programming are a variety of initiatives designed to improve the
          quality of life in the communities it serves. Over the past 3 decades, the organization has leveraged its brand, reputation, and
         infrastructure to successfully implement and build several programs as part of its Education, Engagement & Outreach strategy.
         To date, these programs have been housed at Drayton Entertainment’s existing venues. However, with over 800 performances
        presented annually by over 400 artists and coordinated by a staff of 75 employees, the facilities are operating at capacity. As such,
        space is limited for the expansion of current – and the development of new – artistic programs focused on cultivating community.
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