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Add ‘Human Touch’ to

             Digital Auto Retailing

             Two marketing mistakes: over-communicating
                  to the wrong automotive consumer and

                  under-communicating to the right one.

                        By Brian Epro, Vice President-Automotive, Jornaya

        Nearly 80% of American consumers point  can even be reaching out to consumers  Know when and how frequently a shopper
        to speed, knowledgeable help and friendly  based on outdated information.  visited a certain category of websites and
        service as key factors for what makes a                                   how long they spent researching. It is
        good dealership customer experience.  So, this all means marketers are either over-  powerful knowledge.
                                             communicating to the wrong consumer, or
        But how can we add the human touch in  under-communicating to the right one. In  Some other common behaviors to look at
        the new digital retailing space?     both scenarios, if the timing isn’t right, the  throughout the shopping journey include
                                             message is likely less relevant too.  the device used (desktop or mobile), IP
        We know there are a variety of tools to                                   and location of activity, time of activity
        choose from—so many that it can feel  Behavioral data provides information above  and the number of “events” a consumer
        like a waste of time cycling through to  and beyond what static data can provide.  has along their journey.
        find the best. However, building a truly  Automotive organizations need to ensure
        great customer experience starts with one  their marketing and sales communication  Data-as-a-service companies are enabling
        fundamental input: behavioral data.  include behavioral data to add a "human  brands to engage with people exactly
                                             touch" in the new digital retailing space.  when they are shopping: to understand
             Tapping Consumer Preference                                          their behavior and their desires, then
                                             Behavioral data helps marketers understand  make the right offer at the right time in
        Of course, marketing today revolves  consumer preferences so you can:     real time.
        around data. Marketers are leveraging   •  Adapt communications strategy to
        multiple streams of data to help them both   appeal to the current needs.     More Meaningful Engagements
        determine strategy and execute campaigns.   •  Create targeted offers to tap into latent
                                                 consumer demand.                 Brian Epro Headshot (002).jpgIdentifying
        However, much of the data and insights are   •  Accurately track the journeys of   shifts in consumer preference and
        often static, meaning they’re not current to   customers who are still buying.  behavior  can  save  time  and  resources,
        what their consumers are doing today. They                                especially in the COVID-19 landscape. As
        know what they have in their database on     Right Offer, Right Time      we adapt to being even more thoughtful
        you: age, gender, what you are doing on the                               in outreach, timing is increasingly
        brand’s website, etc.                A recent economic impact study found  important.
                                             that in-market monitoring and behavioral
        Using static data often results in ill-timed  insights can significantly impact ROI,  In this new normal, it’s table stakes to
        outreach, using generalized segments.  increase  engagement  and  improve  understand the path of the consumer
                                             retention.                           journey, then send the right message at
        It  can  lead  to  what  looks  like  batch-and-                          the right time. This creates meaningful
        blast email campaigns, meaning sending  Marketers who have a view into behavioral  engagements and likely turns prospects
        one email to a wide range of consumers,  data will have a distinct competitive  into customers. n
        whether they are in-market or not. They  advantage in the marketplace.

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