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        CARLAWYER                                                        ©

        By Eric Johnson and Tom Hudson

        We  hope  you  and  your  loved  ones  make  On July 10, the CFPB released a report  while requiring African-American testers
        it  through  the  summer  virus  free.    Like  examining recent trends in debt settlement  to fund down payments in a lump sum,
        you, we long for a normal fall, but the  and credit counseling. The report shows  requiring larger down payments from
        odds  of  that  seem  a  bit  slim.    Like  last  that nearly 1 in 13 consumers with a  African-American testers than white
        month, there isn’t a great deal going on  credit record had at least one account  testers, quoting higher biweekly payment
        this month by way of business and legal  settled through a creditor or had account  amounts to African-American testers

        developments, but there have been a few.  payments managed by a credit counseling  on buy-here, pay-here retail installment
        Here’s our monthly article on selected legal  agency from 2007 through 2019. Since  contracts than to white testers, and
        developments we think might interest the  2016, the number of debt settlements has  making other statements to discourage

        auto sales, finance, and leasing world.  increased steadily, while credit counseling  African-American testers.
        This month, we note developments at the  numbers are relatively unchanged.
        Consumer Financial Protection Bureau                                      The settlement requires the defendants
        and the Department of Justice.       CFPB Ratifies Prior Actions to Provide  to develop and implement a written
                                             Certainty in Light of Seila Law. On July 7,  policy designed to prevent discrimination
        As usual, our article features the “Case of  the CFPB ratified most regulatory actions  and  ensure  compliance  with  the

        the Month” and our “Compliance Tip.”  it took from January 4, 2012, through June   ECOA and requires the defendants,
        Note that this column does not offer legal  30, 2020, to provide certainty that those  their principals, and any employees or
        advice.  Always check with your lawyer to  actions are valid in light of the Supreme  agents participating in the origination,
        learn how what we report might apply to  Court’s recent decision in Seila Law LLC  processing, underwriting, or servicing of
        you or if you have questions.        v. CFPB. In Seila Law, the Supreme Court  credit transactions to undergo training on
                                             held that the CFPB’s leadership structure  ECOA requirements. The defendants also
                Federal Developments         is unconstitutional but that the Consumer  must engage in ongoing recordkeeping
                                             Financial Protection Act’s provision  and reporting to the DOJ.
        CFPB  Seeks Input. On July 24, the  limiting the President’s ability to remove
        CFPB announced that it plans to  the CFPB’s director is severable from the         Case of the Month
        issue an advance notice of proposed  rest of the law. Therefore, the agency can
        rulemaking on consumer-authorized  continue to operate, but its director must  Buyer Stated Claim Under Missouri Law
        access to financial records in order to  be removable by the President at will.  that Installment Contract Assignee Was
        solicit stakeholder input on ways it might                                Liable for Dealer’s Failure to Provide
        effectively and efficiently implement  DOJ Settles ECOA Claims Against Used  Him  with  Vehicle  Title:    When  the
        the financial access rights described in  Car Dealership. On July 2, the DOJ  dealership where a buyer bought a car
        Section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Act. This  announced a settlement with a Maryland  failed to provide him with the title to the
        follows a CFPB symposium that included  used car dealership and its owner and  vehicle as required by state law, he sued
        experts from consumer groups, fintechs,  manager,  resolving  allegations that  the  the  dealership and  the  assignee  of  his
        trade associations, financial institutions,  dealership violated the Equal Credit  retail installment contract for violating the
        and data aggregators. The CFPB also  Opportunity Act by discriminating  Missouri Merchandising Practices Act.
        released  a  summary  of  the  symposium  based on race in credit transactions with  The trial court entered a default judgment
        proceedings.                         consumers. The lawsuit is based on the  for the buyer on his MMPA claim against
                                             results of testing conducted by the DOJ’s  the dealership.  However, the trial court
        CFPB Holds Symposium on Use of  Fair Housing Testing Program, in which  granted the assignee’s motion to dismiss
        Cost-Benefit Analysis for Consumer  individuals pose as prospective car buyers  the MMPA claim.
        Protection Regulations. On July 29,  to gather information about possible
        the CFPB held a symposium discussing  discriminatory practices. Specifically,  The Court of Appeals of Missouri
        the  use  of  cost-benefit  analysis  in  the complaint alleged that the defendants  reversed the dismissal of the MMPA claim
        developing consumer financial protection  offered more favorable finance terms to  against the assignee.  The appellate court
        regulations.                         white testers than to African-American  concluded that, under Missouri law and
                                             testers with similar credit characteristics,  the Federal Trade Commission’s Holder
        CFPB Report on Trends in Debt  including giving white testers the option to  Rule, the  buyer  stated  an MMPA claim
        Settlement and Credit Counseling.  fund down payments in two installments  against the assignee because of its status

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