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Car Dealership Test Drives
        as the dealership’s assignee and holder of
        the RIC.  The court determined that the
        assignee stood in the dealership’s shoes          Go from First to Last
        for all purposes, including being liable for
        the dealership’s failure to give the buyer    Demo drives once were an early part in
        the title to the vehicle.
                                                       the step-selling process. Not anymore.
        In light of its holdings, the appellate court
        did not reach the assignee’s argument that            By Steven Finlay, Senior Editor, WardsAuto
        it was exempt from liability under MMPA
        Section 407.020.2.  The assignee had   The test drive once was an initial part of  anchor  position.  That’s  an important
        contended that, as a credit union subject   the conventional step-selling process at  spot; in races, the anchor athlete usually
        to chartering, licensing, or regulation   car dealerships.                is the fastest and most experienced.
        by the director of the division of credit
        unions, it was exempt from MMPA        Now, demo drives are among the final  No matter at which part of the sales
        liability resulting from the conduct of its   steps, says John Possumato, a 30-year  process they occur, test drives have
        assignor.  See Heinz v. Driven Auto Sales,   veteran of the auto business. The switch-  always been considered critical.
        LLC, 2020 Mo. App. LEXIS 782 (Mo. App.   up largely came about because of digital
        June 16, 2020).                        retailing in the COVID-19 age. Online  For dealers, the demo drive expedites
                                               car selling has been around in a limited  selling. For customers, it’s a chance to
               This Month’s CARLAWYER ©        way for years but took off when the  meet – and prospectively buy – a vehicle
                   Compliance Tip              pandemic took hold.                of interest.

        Dealers should take careful note of    Modern consumers use the Internet to do  “It has become the last piece of the
        the Department of Justice item above.     much of the car deal. Then, as one of the  puzzle,” Possumato says of the demo
        Although the use by federal and state   last  parts  of  the  so-called  “contactless”  drive. “It is the affirmation piece.”
        enforcement authorities of so-called   sales process, many dealerships, on
        “mystery shoppers” isn’t all that common,   request, will take test-drive vehicles  Not  everyone  wants  one.  In  a  DME
        the DOJ action is proof that it happens.     to  customers’  homes  rather  than  the  Automotive survey of 2,000 consumers,
        Investigative reporters have also been   customers visiting the dealership for the  320 said they skipped the demo drive for
        known to employ this technique.  The   try-out spin.                      whatever reason.
        only way to avoid the risk of a mystery
        shopper’s “gotcha” is to assume that every   Accordingly, “the test drive has  Although  auto  digital  retailing
        customer  is  a  mystery  shopper.    Do  all   become one of the last parts of the  unwittingly gained traction when COVID
        your customer contact personnel know   (car-buying) experience,” Possumato,  hit (temporarily closing dealership
        what they need to know about the laws and   CEO of Driveitaway, a dealer-focused  showrooms in many states), consumers
        regulations that apply to the sale, financing   shared-mobility  and  subscription-  seem to like the online approach to car-
        and leasing of vehicles to consumers?  services company, says at Informa Tech  buying, Possumato says.
                                               Automotive Group’s Summer Festival of
        No?  It might be time for a bit of schooling. n  Automotive. (John Possumato, left)  How has it affected the customer
                                                                                  experience? “Many people feel better
        Eric ( is a Partner in   Possumato speaks of the traditional  because the customer is more in control,”
        the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLP, Editor   dealership selling process that starts at  Possumato says, adding, that “the market
        in Chief of’s Spot   the store with a meet-and-greet, then  is telling us these trends are happening.”
        Delivery®, a monthly legal newsletter for   segues into an attempt to “land the
        auto dealers and a contributing author to   customer on a car.” That’s largely done  He recalls early on talking to some dealers
        the F&I Legal Desk Book.  Tom (thudson@  during the demo drive.           who feared a big shift from in-person to is Of Counsel to the firm, has                                 online retailing would hurt profits.
        written several books and is a frequent   Then come later steps in the process,
        writer for Spot Delivery®.  He is the Senior   including price negotiations, financing,  “That’s not happening,” he says.
        Editor of CARLAW® and Spot Delivery®.  For   the presentation of F&I products and  “Transactions happen online more
        information, visit www.counselorlibrary.  assorted paperwork.             quickly and with profit margins
        com. © 2020, all                                      sustained.” Whether some skeptics like
        rights reserved. Single publication rights only,   The step-selling system hasn’t completely  it or not, “online car buying is not going
        to the Association.  HC/4847-4444-0519.1  reversed itself, but the test drive has  away.” n
                                               moved down to something of a relay

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