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Keep Your Sales Pipeline



        Unfortunately, most salespeople don't  salespeople have is the ups and downs of  Then there are your past customers which
        think about their sales pipeline, but the  their paychecks. The car sales pipeline can  can be a great source of business. Stay in
        successful salespeople do. In fact, one of the  help level that out if you work it properly.  touch  and  ask  if  they  know  anyone  that
        keys to their success is their sales pipeline.                            looking for a car in the near future. I can't
        We are conditioned as car salespeople to   Working the Sales Pipeline     tell you how many times I was told that
        focus on selling a car now. We don't want                                 their son, daughter, niece or nephew will be
        to hear excuses like “I will be back” or “I  In order to work a sales pipeline correctly,  graduating in June and they will be needing
        have to think about”. Not to mention the  you need to record and track all of your past  a car. I tracked many of them in my sales
        all too common “I am not ready yet” or “I  customers. Plus all of those full of excuses  pipeline, stayed in touch and sold them
        am buying next month”. Or any number of  and all your prospects and referrals. Then  cars.  I  have  tracked,  stayed  in  touch  and
        reasons they give for not buying now.  you  need  to  schedule  follow-ups  with  sold cars for as long as a year.
                                             each and every one of them based on their
        Of course, we want to sell them now, but  excuse, reason, etc.            Sounds like a lot of work doesn't it? Well,
        sometimes they won't pull the trigger now.                                it is, but it sells cars. Once you create
        They have a plan and as hard as we try, they  It might be easier to picture your pipeline  and work your pipeline it only takes a
        just won't buy today. These customers or  as  a calendar.  Whether  you  track  your  few minutes every day to maintain the
        potential customers are buyers, but not  pipeline in your CRM, your phone or on a  process. Soon it will become a habit and
        now and maybe not from you. So these  paper calendar it doesn't matter. As long as  you won't even realize the extra work. A
        are  the customers you  want to  include  you track your potential opportunities and  good pipeline can yield up to 50% of your
        in your sales pipeline. But that's only the  work them. Daily you will be calling your  sales if you work it correctly. It's a lot better
        beginning of filling, working and keeping  unsold customers from the past week unless  than standing on the curb and waiting for
        your pipeline flowing.               they tell you differently. If your customer  fresh ups along with six or more other
                                             tells you they are buying next month you  salespeople.
        Your sales pipeline should consist of all the  call them in two weeks. They say 3 months,
        customers that gave you the above excuses  you call them in a month and a half. You  One of the most common complaints
        in the showroom. Plus Internet leads that  don't have to be annoying, but touch base  among car shoppers is that the salesperson
        gave you excuses, past customers, referrals,  and ask if they need any information or the  or BDC didn't call them back. This is from
        and prospects. Many salespeople feel if they  current incentives.         customers that visited the showroom
        don't have a deal today in the next few days                              and from customers that called in and
        they don't have anything. This is a mistake  Then you need to add and track your  from Internet leads. Unbelievable, but
        and one that will cost you money because  prospects the same way. Someone may  true. Talking about leaving money on
        there is lots of money in your pipeline if  have told you they will be looking for a car  the table. Those complaints were just
        you work it correctly.               in the spring or summer. You record that  from current shoppers, you could just
                                             information and keep in touch with them  imagine how many newer receive a call
        The  sales  pipeline  is  what  helps  create  a  regularly. Let them know when there is a  or email from salespeople looking for
        steady flow of customers and income. One  big sale or new incentives without being  new business. A sales pipeline is your
        of  the  most  common  complaints  of  car  a pest.                       ticket selling more cars. n

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