Page 11 - MIADA-Winter 2020-121819F
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The program helps dealers increase
service revenue by helping them
capitalize on the NIADA CPO rental
reimbursement benefit of up to
$40 per day/$280 per repair.
NIADA’s CPO Daily Rental Program Could
be a Dealer Profit Center
By Auto Remarketing Staff
NIADA Certified Pre-Owned on The association said the program can help revenue by helping them capitalize on the
Wednesday introduced the NIADA CPO NIADA-certified dealers “create another NIADA CPO rental reimbursement benefit
Daily Rental Vehicle Program, which profit center within the dealership.” of up to $40 per day/$280 per repair, the
leaders say can bring increased service association said. That, according to NIADA,
revenue to independent dealers. NIADA also described the service rental allows NIADA Certified dealerships to
program as a “customer experience tool.” gain rental income that a competitor would
Scott Lilja, who is senior vice president otherwise capture.
of member services at the National Customers dropping off their vehicle for
Independent Automobile Dealers repair receive a service rental vehicle to The increased customer loyalty, maximized
Association, said the new program use while their vehicle is in for service. service revenue and improved dealership
offers the association’s dealer members NIADA said the customer will be happy traffic can create additional sales
improved efficiencies “and an outstanding with the convenience of the service rental opportunities, the association said.
complement to our CPO program.” vehicle, and the service department will
feel less pressure in the event of delays. The “We are thrilled to bring PDP Insurance
NIADA created the new program in program, according to NIADA, provides a Group’s substantial resources and extensive
conjunction with PDP Group, a broker competitive edge to the dealership. OEM vehicle daily rental program expertise
and administrator for OEM service rental to NIADA Certified,” Lilja said. n
vehicle programs. The program helps dealers increase service
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and register. Your username cannot be your email address and your password must be at least eight
characters with a capital letter and a number. Once you have registered, admin will get an email to approve.