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        CARLAWYER                                                        ©

        By Nicole F. Munro and Thomas B. Hudson

        Santa’s gift to you this month is a fairly  High-line dealers take note! On October  a contract lies with the party seeking to
        short and sweet legal report. Here’s  30, the CFPB and the FRB announced that  void  the  contract.  In this case, Dozier
        our monthly article on selected legal  they are increasing the dollar thresholds  presented no evidence of procedural
        developments we think might interest  in Reg. Z and Reg. M for exempt consumer  unconscionability - such as that he did
        the auto sales, finance, and leasing world.  credit and lease transactions. The Dodd-  not understand the arbitration clause or
        This month, the action involves the  Frank Act provided that the dollar  that he lacked an opportunity to read it,
        Federal Reserve Board and the Consumer  amount thresholds for TILA and the CLA  and  there  was  nothing  to suggest  that
        Financial Protection Bureau. As usual,  must be adjusted annually by any annual  the arbitration clause was substantively
        our article features the “Case of the  percentage  increase in  the consumer  unconscionable where it applied equally
        Month” and our “Compliance Tip.”     price index. Because there was an annual  to both parties.
                                             percentage increase in the CPI as of
        Note that this column does not offer legal  June 1, 2019, TILA and CLA protections  Moreover, the appellate court noted that
        advice. Always check with your lawyer to  generally will apply to consumer credit  Dozier was given a 30-day right to reject
        learn how what we report might apply to  transactions and consumer leases of  the arbitration clause but failed to do so.
        you, or if you have questions.       $58,300 or less in 2020.             Finally, the appellate court stated that an
                                                                                  arbitration clause is not unconscionable
             FEDERAL DEVELOPMENTS                   CASE OF THE MONTH             merely because it precludes the filing of
                                                                                  a class action.
        CFPB Issues Fall 2019 Rulemaking  Michael Dozier signed a retail installment
        Agenda. On November 20, the CFPB  contract when he bought a car. The first  Dozier v. Credit Acceptance Corp.,
        published its Fall 2019 rulemaking  page of  the  contract  provided a  notice  2019 Ohio App. LEXIS 4418 (Ohio App.
        agenda. The agenda lists the regulatory  of  arbitration,  and  the  fifth  page  of  the  October 24, 2019)
        matters the Bureau reasonably anticipates  contract contained an arbitration clause.
        having under consideration from October  Dozier initialed below both the notice of   THIS MONTH’S CARLAWYER ©
        1, 2019 to September 30, 2020.       arbitration and the arbitration clause.       COMPLIANCE TIP

        CFPB and FRB Increase Reg. Z and  Dozier      sued   Credit   Acceptance  The documents that are used to evidence
        Reg. M Dollar Amount Thresholds. Few   Corporation, the assignee of the contract,  a typical vehicle credit sale transaction at a
        folks realize it, but the federal Truth in  alleging violations of the Consumer Sales  dealership are not (or at least shouldn’t be)
        Lending Act and Consumer Leasing Act  Practices Act. CAC moved to compel  static. Laws and regulations can change at
        do not apply (with a couple of exceptions  arbitration. Dozier opposed the motion  any time, as can the courts’ interpretations
        that don’t typically apply to vehicle  but merely reiterated his CSPA claims.   of those laws and regulations.
        credit sales and leases) when the amount
        financed (for sales transactions) and the  The trial court denied CAC’s motion,  Even facts can change – an example might
        total lease obligation (for leases) exceed  finding that the arbitration clause was  be that the arbitration organization named
        certain amounts.                     unconscionable because it banned class  in your arbitration clause announces
                                             actions. The Court of Appeals of Ohio  that it will no longer accept arbitration
        Those amounts remained fixed for several  reversed and remanded the case to the  proceedings in cases involving consumers.
        decades, and over time, inflation had the  trial court to stay the litigation pending  Something as simple as the arbitration
        effect of reducing the application of both  arbitration.                  organization’s change  of mailing  address
        laws, so fewer and fewer consumers were                                   can affect your clause if you’ve included
        protected. The amounts are now subject  First, the appellate court noted that the  that  address  as  part  of  your  arbitration
        to change as the cost of living changes.   burden of proving unconscionability of  clause.

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