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You Cannot Fix

        Breakpoints in the

        Customer's Experience

        Without First Fixing

        Your Own

        By Derrick Woolfson

        In a perfect world, we could efficiently  is expected for the paperwork, then it can  The  above  are  just  some  of  the  samples
        address customer breakpoints offering  decrease the chances of this occurring.   of documents you can include in the
        them a seamless experience. Whether that                                  sales packets. Even better, most CRM's
        is changing the sales process, or creating a  When is the last time you went over  allow you to create printable documents
        more streamlined omnichannel experience.  the  documents  process  with  your  sales  for each deal, which would then include
        However, before we can improve the  consultants besides a little blurb on one  the  customer's  name,  vehicle,  and  other
        customer's experience by addressing the  of your sales meetings? Save yourselves a  relevant information. Not only does this
        breakpoints. We need to first address our  headache and put together a binder that has  make it easier for both the sales consultant
        own, that is, with our employees. If your  all of the commonly required paperwork.   and  the  customer,  but  it  also  looks  more
        employees are not engaged, or worse - not                                 professional. And can ensure that you are
        trained - how can you expect them to offer  Deal Folders. Does Every Vehicle Have   not missing any documents that otherwise
        the customer a better experience? Here  A Packet Made With All the Documents   have to be completed. Doing something as
        are the top two things to review with your  Needed?                       simple as the above can have an immediate
        team.                                                                     positive impact.
                                             I cannot tell you how many times I have
        Dealer Training. Do Your Sales       seen sales consultants running around  Bottom Line: if your sales consultants are
        Consultants Know the Process?        creating new deal jacket copies. What's  not sure of what the sales process is, how
                                             worse, though, is that they are from previous  can they effectively assist the customer?
        While  the  OEM  training  is  critical,  so  is  copies - making it nearly impossible for  And only mentioning items  in the  sales
        instruction on how your dealer runs the  the customer to read them, let alone know  meeting is likely not going to address the
        sales  process,  which includes paperwork,  where to sign the document. This could all  top  breakpoints  in  the  customer's  overall
        delivery, etc. If your sales consultant is not  be avoided if you had made deal packets for  experience. Instead, take the time to make
        familiar with your sales process, it can and  each vehicle.               sure your sales consultants are aware of
        will  cause  breakpoints  during  the  process                            the  required  documents  for purchasing
        and disrupt the customer's experience. In  Those documents could include the  a vehicle. By reviewing the required
        which case, those breakpoints can affect  following:                      documents,  it will offer  the  customer  a
        the customer's overall experience. There  •   Sales  to  Service  Handoff (if  you  give  better experience. This can also lessen
        is  nothing  worse  than  the  customer's   the customer oil changes, etc.)  the chances of the customers missing
        experience breaking down in the finance  •   We-Owe's (accessories, or anything  documents when they get into the Finance
        office because they are missing paperwork,   pertaining to the vehicle for after the  office, which can  delay their  deal getting
        the paperwork is wrong, etc. At which point,   sale)                      completed. Not to mention, it pushes back
        they are now delayed - causing everyone  •   Social Media Release Form    everyone else who is behind them. n
        else ahead of them to also be delayed. If you  •   Lemon Law (for states it applies in)
        have trained the sales consultant on what  •   Privacy Notice

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