Page 11 - PIADA-FEB 2022-Final-web_Neat
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Disclaimer: The views and analysis provided
         Chart 3                                                                  herein relate to the vehicle remarketing
                                                                                  industry as a whole and may not relate
                                                                                  directly  to  KAR  Global.  The  views  and
                                                                                  analysis  are  not  the  views  of  KAR  Global,
                                                                                  its management or its subsidiaries; and their
                                                                                  accuracy is not warranted.

                                                                                  Tom Kontos is Chief Economist, KAR Global,
                                                                                  parent company of ADESA. He has over 25
                                                                                  years of experience in the wholesale vehicle
                                                                                  remarketing industry and is a pioneer in the
                                                                                  analysis of  used vehicle  market  trends.  In
                                                                                  this role, he interfaces with members of the
        CPO sales fell 16.5% month-over-month  Source: Analysis is based on over seven  media, Wall Street, and automotive analysts,
        in November and recovered only modestly  million  annual sales transactions from  dealers and key KAR Global clients to provide
        (up  2.5%  m/m)  in  December,  according  over 250 of the largest U.S. wholesale auto  information and insight on economic trends
        to figures from Autodata.  CPO sales on a  auctions, including those of ADESA as  in the vehicle remarketing industry, of which
        year-to-date basis through December, were  well as other auction companies. KAR  KAR Global is a leading player.  Mr. Kontos
        up 5.1% compared to 2020 but down 2.5%  Global Analytical Services segregates these  is a Washington, D.C. native who grew up
        versus 2019. t                       transactions to study trends by vehicle model  in the Maryland suburbs and earned his
                                             class, sale type, model year, etc.   Mineral Resource Economics degrees at Penn
                                                                                  State University.

           Chart 4

                                               MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS  |  MIDATLANTICAUTODEALERSUNITED.ORG  •  FEBRUARY 2022  |  9
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16