Page 22 - PIADA-FEB 2022-Final-web_Neat
P. 22

A Fond Farewell Letter, Looking Back & Looking Forward

        By Reg Evans, Outgoing Midatlantic Regional Independent Auto Dealer Association Executive Director
        Dear Members, Nonmembers,            We have had solid boards of directors always  IADA Convention. Six years ago, these
        Dealers All, Wholesale Vehicle       during my term, but I should mention that it is  relationships made it possible and comfortable
        Auctions, Industry Vendors &         the President who has the most responsibility  for the Maryland/Delaware IADA to merge
        Government Partners,                 and puts in the most time and effort to  with the Pennsylvania IADA. Special
                                             lead and move the association forward for  appreciation and thanks go to Tom Hodges,
                                             the benefit of our dealers, auctions, and  then president of the Maryland/Delaware
        I have had the honor and privilege to serve the   vendors. Presidents during my time as  IADA (MDDEIADA), and Jack Tracey, then
        PIADA, then the merged MidAtlantic IADA
        of  Pennsylvania, Maryland,  and Delaware,   executive director include Steve Worley, John  MDDEIADA executive director, for making
                                             DeFilippo, Tad Swift, Tom Brandis, Michael  this merger possible and smooth. Jack passed
        for ten years as executive director, president
        of  the  title  business,  licensed  insurance   Brill, Noah Melamed. I thank them and the  away in 2021. Jack was a great person and he
        agent, lobbyist, in house lawyer, convention   other board members who have volunteered  and his wife Mary Ellen Tracey were excellent
        chairman, and magazine editor and writer   their time for our industry.   to work with on our conventions.
        for 120 consecutive editions of the monthly
        MidAtlantic Dealer News. I had A LOT of   The auctions are key. That is where we all  Great  staff members make the  world  go
        help, guidance, suggestions, support, and   congregate, buy, sell, arbitrate, and move  round. You have really solid experienced
        collegial brainstorming along the way, from   metal. The energy of auction sale day is  people in staff leadership positions right now.
        you, the dealers, auctions, vendors, directors   something I will always treasure. The leaders  Shannon Becker, associate executive director,
        and staff members.                   of our auctions are of paramount importance  is lightning efficient and diligent in managing
                                             to dealer success and have contributed  daily operations. Tammy Helman, head of title
        I became involved in the PIADA 15 years   tremendously to association success. Thank  training and the title and messenger office, is
        ago when former executive director Phil   you  to  these  great  auction  folks  for  your  one of the most experienced, knowledgeable
        Zulli and I had lunch and talked about the   support of the association over the years.   and reliable vehicle title professionals in the
        need and potential opportunity to get the                                 Commonwealth. Nicole Autry has returned
        document preparation fee codified into   I would also like to express appreciation and  to  lead  the  licensing  section  with  her  great
        law.  With  leadership  from  Phil  and the   special thanks to wholesale dealers Robert  licensing expertise and we are fortunate for
        board of directors including past presidents   Hollenshead and Robert Adcock, and to all  her return. These staff leaders have great
        Fran Morelli, John Kyner, Jeff Dreier, Andy   of our vendors, from warranty and service  people working in their sections, and together
        Gabler, John DeFilippo, Tom Brandis, all   contract companies to GPS providers and  they make the association strong, reliable, and
        stalwart supporters of the association,   more. You have been great supporters of the  effective for our dealers and auctions.
        we got it done. Later, we got the doc fee   association and help retail dealers achieve
        increased to reflect true new costs and   success every week.             NIADA is important for the global success
        changes as the dealer world digitized.                                    of our industry. That is an understatement.
                                             Special thanks to Frank Snyder who while  Federal  and  state  representation  is
        My involvement with the PIADA as outside   working as an independent dealer at his   tremendously important, so we must join
        legal  counsel  from Shumaker  Williams   dealership also simultaneously volunteered  together and advocate, defend, promote, in
        law firm, my then home away from     his time to serve as chairman of the  order to succeed for our industry. Support
        home, continued when Pete Lukasiak was   Pennsylvania Vehicle Board. And special  MARIADA and NIADA. They are here for
        appointed by the board as the new executive   thanks to Jeff Dreier for his long time service  your benefit. Get the win-win from and with
        director in 2008. Pete had tremendous  as a member of the Pennsylvania Inspection  your associations.
        national association experience and was  Advisory Board.
        great at connecting with government                                       In conclusion, I am grateful for my time as
        officials and key industry people to expand  Ultimately, the association is all about serving  executive director as I move into my next
        the PIADA’s reach and relationships. Pete  the members and I would like to thank ALL  endeavor. I wish for you the confluence
        was a past executive director of the National  of our members over the years. I greatly value  of passion and love for your work in our
        Auto Auction Association (NAAA) and  and appreciate all of our discussions and work  industry, strong consumer demand for your
        past Person of the Year with the National  together to help your businesses, from title  goods and services, and great business skills
        Independent    Automobile    Dealers  work processing to regulatory compliance to  and work ethic, to combine for your ongoing
        Association (NIADA). He was a mentor to  government advocacy and beyond.  success. Looking back makes me glad.
        me when the board allowed me the honor                                    Looking forward, things are changing, so get
        of becoming executive director in 2011.  We expanded our annual convention starting  ready and best of luck!
        Pete passed away in December 2021. He  in 2012 by teaming Pennsylvania with
        was a great friend who led the association  Maryland, Delaware, New York, and New  Sincerely and with gratitude,
        with honor and dignity.              Jersey, to form the MidAtlantic Regional  Reg

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