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without needing to go into the dealership.  tomer can also use two-way video to discuss   LIVE ENGAGEMENT IS THE
        This live engagement feature transforms the  a maintenance problem with a live agent,   COMPETITIVE EDGE DEALERS NEED
        online car shopping experience by bringing  allowing them to hear a funny noise the car
        the vehicles to life for the customer.  is making or to see a dashboard indicator  The automotive industry is an extremely
                                             that the driver is unfamiliar with. This kind  competitive business and auto dealers have
        Live agents can effectively engage with an  of personal service can help save consumers  to take every opportunity to gain a com-
        online customer using co-browsing during  time and aggravation, which, in turn,  can  petitive advantage. It’s imperative that auto
        live engagement. The agent and the custom-  engender loyalty that lasts a lifetime.  dealers use all available technology to draw
        er can jointly browse different car models,                               in customers, including live engagement
        compare specs, add options, and configure   ADVANTAGES OF LIVE ENGAGEMENT  staffed by well-trained knowledgeable staff.
        a custom dream car. If the customer is ready                              Those dealers who invest in the best live
        to buy, live agents can use co-browsing to  Live video, co-browsing, and post-purchase  engagement technology and staffing will be
        help the customer fill out applications for  support and maintenance are some of the  the ones who capture more sales and draw
        leasing, auto-loans, or simply complete the  ways auto dealers can leverage live engage-  more repeat customers. n
        purchase documents, thus completing the  ment to give themselves a competitive edge.
        entire transaction online if the customer  Having live agents available online beyond  With over 25 years of diverse international
        desires that. Providing this level of service  the dealership’s regular business hours can  experience in nearly every facet of software,
        while the customer is relaxing at home is a  also help capture new business that might  Priya Iyer is a proven, high-growth entrepre-
        great way to build brand loyalty.    otherwise go elsewhere. The more an auto  neurial CEO with a leadership philosophy
                                             dealership can meet customer needs and  centered on engaging clients and employees
        Carrying that brand loyalty beyond the pur-  fully address questions and concerns while  to build industry leading SaaS software plat-
        chasing journey, car dealers can also use live  that customer is comfortably at home, the  forms and delivering exceptional stakeholder
        engagement to drive service and mainte-  better chance there is to build a strong long-  value to achieve sustainable competitive dif-
        nance business. Customers can receive reg-  term relationship. Customers will go back  ferentiation.
        ular service reminders or can schedule their  to a dealer who meets all their needs and
        service appointment with video chat. A cus-  provides this level of personalized service.

                                                                 Mobile Dealer

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