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4 Ways to Identify

                             Motivated Car Shoppers

               The ability to upgrade one’s vehicle is not always accompanied by motivation.
          The author urges dealers to focus their equity mining efforts on four reliable indicators.

                                               By Scot Eisenfelder, CEO, Affinitiv
        While the average vehicle ownership length
        is 6.5 years, trade-ins peak around three
        years into the loan term. This means approx-
        imately 10% to 15% of existing dealer cus-
        tomers are eligible to upgrade their vehicles
        at any given time.

        Equity mining tools have long been used to
        identify sales and service customers with eq-
        uity in their vehicles, in the hopes of turning
        them into new sales customers. Most tools
        have built-in templates that help dealers cre-
        ate  attractive, personalized  purchase  offers
        that reflect both short term and long term
        cost-of-ownership savings.

        However, there is one drawback to equity
        mining tools: Just because a customer has   clined a service estimate over $500? Loss of  website, you know that person is a hot pros-
        the ability to upgrade their vehicle does not   confidence is a powerful purchase motivator.  pect. Being able to identify who they are al-
        necessarily mean they have the motivation                                 lows you to send them custom, personalized
        to do so.                                Change in Life Event             messages guaranteed to grab their attention
                                                 Purchase data from third parties that  and pique engagement.
        What if you could further streamline cus-  2will help you identify customers and
        tomers identified by your equity mining tool   prospects who have recently experienced life   Location, Location, Location
        to include only motivated customers? You   changing events. These events are great indi-  Technology also exists that allows you
        could increase new vehicle sales by focusing   cators that vehicle needs may change. 4 to track prospects’ locations. What if
        all your time, marketing dollars, and efforts                             you could be notified when an existing cus-
        on customers with both equity and a need.  Recent movers into your primary market  tomer attends the local auto show or visits
                                             area can be targeted with a welcome message  a competitor’s lot? This would allow you to
        The best way to identify motivated custom-  and sales offer.              serve them display ads or videos designed to
        ers is to filter a list using several other, know-                        grab their attention and place your brand in
        able triggers that indicate when consumers   Newlyweds, newly divorced, college grad-  consideration.
        may be the most open to a new vehicle sales   uates, and parents with new babies or high
        offer. These triggers include:       school students all make great targets. So do  When  combined  with  equity  mining  data,
                                             people who have started a new job.   these triggers become a powerful predictor
            Warranty Expiration or Collision                                      of customers who are both eligible and mo-
            Is the vehicle near warranty end or out   Online Browsing Behavior    tivated to buy. These customers are worth
       1of warranty? Does the vehicle have ex-   Online browsing behavior is one of  targeting with aggressive, personalized, and
        cess mileage? Is the vehicle coming off lease   3the best predictors of who is currently  relevant omnichannel campaigns to ensure
        in the next year? These triggers are easy to   in-market. Fortunately, new technology ex-  that your message is being heard and your
        identify and allow you to contact vehicle   ists that allows you to identify “anonymous”  brand is in consideration. n
        owners far in advance of the actual event.  shoppers online and tells you what they’re
                                             looking for.                         Scot Eisenfelder is CEO of Affinitiv, a market-
        Also identify owners who may have lost                                    ing technology company serving automotive
        confidence in their vehicle. Has there been a   When a potential car buyer visits your deal-  manufacturers and franchise dealers. Email
        recent collision repair? Has the customer de-  ership website, third-party sites, or an OEM  him at

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