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Compliance: The Regulatory Gremlin

                                   By R. Michael Burgholzer, President, Peak Performance Team

        COMPLIANCE. The very word is anti-     And that’s where managing          consistent pricing system. It doesn’t need
        thetical to the spirit of business. It smacks   Compliance begins; with   to be anything complicated. Most dealers
        of regulation. Of government. Compliance                                  go with a two percent interest rate mark-
        is a yoke that chafes the neck of Com-  the customer. The first rule      up on all customers and a standard $XXX
        merce, as an entity; and the neck of the   of Compliance is to treat      over cost on F&I products. If there’s ever
        independent auto dealer as entrepreneur,   everyone right. This alone     a question as to pricing or the reasons be-
        as innovator, as salesman, as financier, as                               hind it, you can produce the policy and
        “horse-trader,” as Capitalist, as American.   will eliminate most problems   head off trouble before it starts.
        Compliance is  a gremlin in  the machine   before they develop.
        of prosperity…but it is also the only game                                “What’s that?” you ask, “produce the pol-
        in town. Since we’re stuck with regulation,                               icy?”
        let’s at least acknowledge the benefits of   Treat every customer with the respect and
        Compliance. For one thing, Compliance   dignity you’d expect from them if the roles   Yes! You should keep a binder on hand, for
        levels the playing field by preventing less   were reversed, regardless of their gender,   quick reference, containing written copies
        forthright dealers from employing dishon-  race, age, or other groups they may fit into.   of your policies and procedures. The back
        est business practices which would give   For example, you should establish a consis-  pages should consist of employee sign-off
        them an unfair advantage in the market-  tent policy regarding test drives and loan-  sheets that vouch for the completion of
        place. This not only guarantees that we’re   ers and avoid deciding on a case-by-case   training, on each policy (or section), by
        all playing by the same rules, it also pro-  basis as an individual customer waits. If   each employee.
        vides a guarantee to the customer. Since   you treat everyone equally there’s no room
        John Q. Public has the government’s re-  for  them  to  misinterpret  your  actions  or   But before you can kick-back and rest as-
        assurance that he is protected from pred-  intentions. But fair and equal treatment   sured that you’ve tamed the Compliance
        atory  business  practices,  he  feels  MUCH   isn’t relegated to matters of personal in-  gremlin…you  need to  tame  your  dealer-
        more secure in giving you the benefit of   teraction. It’s critical that customers  all   ship.
        the doubt when spending up to a year’s pay   get the same offers, pricing, and deals—
        on your product.                     regardless of their demographic—and it’s   This starts with the vehicles on your lot.
                                             hard to prove you practice this without a   Make sure information appearing on win-

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