Page 16 - GIADA-August-2018-Final
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        GIADA Awards $12,000 in Scholarships

        What do Car Doozy, KAR Auction Services and Cox Automotive all have in common? Two words: giving back! On July 14, GIADA
        presented three students with scholarships sponsored by Car Doozy, KAR Auction Services and Cox Automotive. Naomi Sanders, Sarah
        Sargent and Daniel Suptin, children of long-time GIADA members, were awarded $4,000 scholarships at the GIADA banquet. We’d like
        to thank sponsors for their generous investment. Your donation will play a part in helping students further their education.
        To learn more about the GIADA Scholarship Program, visit

                 NAOMI SANDERS                        SARAH SARGENT                        DANIEL SUTPHIN
          Father: Clete Sanders, I-75 Truck Sales  Father: Jimmy Sargent, Stonegate   Father: Christopher Sutphin, Cobalt Cars
                     Sponsors:                            Auto Sales                           Sponsor:

        Naomi was very excited to be honored                                      Daniel was ecstatic to be honored with
        with the $4,000 scholarship sponsored by                                  the $4,000 scholarship sponsored by
        Car Doozy! She recently graduated in the                                  Cox Automotive. A Psychology Pre-Med
        top 5 percentile of her class as an honor  Sarah is a recent graduate of White County  majors, Daniel is an upcoming sophomore
        graduate. Naomi was heavily involved in  High School where she graduated Summa  at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA.
        clubs including Beta, FCA, FBLA, Tri-M  Cum Laude. She was very excited to receive  He has made the Dean’s List twice at UGA
        Music Honor Society and Thespian Honor  the $4,000 scholarship sponsored by KAR  Franklin College of Arts and Sciences in his
        Society.  She  also  participated  in  varsity  Auction Services. Throughout her high  fall 2017 and spring 2018 semesters. Daniel
        soccer, cross country, choir and theatre. In  school career, she was actively involved in  competes in national rowing and has done
        the fall, Naomi plans to attend Columbus  FFA, FBLA, FCA, National Honor Society  so for over five years.
        State University in Columbus, GA to receive  and Beta Club. In the fall, Sara plans to
        a double major in Business Management  attend Lee University in Cleveland, TN to
        and Theatre Education.               major in Health Science and prepare for
                                             her  graduate  studies  in  Pediatric  Physical

        14  |  GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2018
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