Page 13 - GIADA-August-2018-Final
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        few $100 - $200 credit cards. Next time,
        Sam, you need to tell the dealers that your   GIADA Raises $3,000 in
        grandson, Cody Healey, writer of the
        recently published book Race to the Finish
        Line, was in your booth. Cody is an expert   Donations for Camp Sunshine
        in the realm of social media and technology.
        Red Shield Administration, Spartan
        Financial Partners, Floorplan Express, Snap   On Thursday, July 12, GIADA
        Cell, AutoNation Auto Auction Atlanta and   members and vendors raised a total of
        CoPart Auto Auction gave away nice door   $3,000 in donations during the 2018
        prizes at their booths. Next time, I will start   GIADA Golf Tournament at the Club
        with them.                           at Savannah Harbor in Savannah,
                                             GA. For the second consecutive year,
                                             partial proceeds from the tournament
                                             were donated to Camp Sunshine, a
                                             program made to enrich the lives of
                                             children with cancer.

                                             GIADA presented the $3,000 donation on Saturday, July 14, at the GIADA Banquet. This
                                             year, with the support of our members, vendors and all of those who’ve contributed, we’re
                                             able to send 5-6 children with cancer to camp!

                                             Camp Sunshine allows children to share, grow and find hope together. At camp, children
        From the dealers who attended to the   are able to enjoy a multitude of activities including tennis, swimming, horseback riding,
        exhibitors who worked extremely hard,   arts and crafts and more. Campers also have the chance to make forever friends during the
        your tenacity shows. It’s apparent to see   process. The program strives to enrich the lives of children with cancer in Georgia through
        you really care about dealers and GIADA.   recreational, educational and support programs.
        Now you understand why I feel this year’s
        convention  was  a  real  trade  show.  Thank   Mo Thrash and John Haliburton, GIADA lobbyist of Thrash-Haliburton, have had a very
        you dealers and exhibitors for all of your   special relationship with the camp since its inception in 1982. Callaway, the son of Mo and
        support.                             Jane Thrash, passed away due to leukemia at the young age of 3. Camp Sunshine has been
                                             a vital piece to the Thrash family since his passing.
        See you next time in Stone Mountain!
        (July 18-20, 2019, at the Atlanta Evergreen   As always, Mo Thrash and John Haliburton send their deepest thanks to all of those who’ve
        Marriott Conference Resort) n        played a role in sending children to camp.
                                             To learn more about Camp Sunshine and its initiatives, visit

                                                                                   GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2018  |  11
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