Page 9 - GIADA-August-2018-Final
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 Congratulations!  Can You Guess Who Won the Dennis

        Pope Award?

        Drum roll please!

        D.J. Harrington, known to many at GIADA
        and the used-car industry as the “Car-
        diologist,” is the 2018 recipient of the
        Dennis Pope Award. Surprisingly, for
        someone who loves to talk, D.J. had very
        little to say upon reception of this award.

        D.J. looked completely shocked when
        Jason Reaves, President of Wayne Reeves
        Software, introduced him as the winner of
        the award. He went on to thank GIADA
        for presenting him with the award. Then,
        Jason went on to describe D.J.’s contagious
        smile  and his  strong  presence  at CE
        classes. All the while, D.J. didn’t know he
        won the award until Jason said, “He sits
        in the break room at GIADA and makes
        countless calls.”

        The Dennis Pope Award, created 3 years   D.J. wouldn’t tell you, but he’s the middle  your  membership.”  His  persistence  and
        ago,  is  a  prestigious  award presented  to   child of 12 children. Raised up North,  repetition of that single phrase are a couple
        individuals that go above and beyond   he studied to be a Priest and has a heart  reasons why GIADA is the largest state
        in service for the used-car industry and   for helping. When GIADA was fighting  independent dealer association today.
        association. Dennis Pope received the   House Bill 340, D.J. was also fighting, day
        award first, and then passed it to another   and night. On weekends, he traveled to  Welcome aboard to the ranks of Dennis
        worthy person the year after. Last year,   meet with state reps (with a GIADA hat)  Pope and Jason Reaves, D.J. Harrington.
        Jason Reaves received the award due to   to ensure the association was properly  The three of you are all wonderful people.
        his outstanding service as an associate   represented.                    We can only imagine who will be selected
        member who’s gone above and beyond                                        as next year’s recipient.
        their commitment and participation   D.J. speaks at CE classes and helps with
        in recruiting members and raising    phone calls for conventions. He also  Hum! n
        sponsorships for events such as golf   conducts  rigorous  follow  ups  so  GIADA
        tournaments, conventions and board   can renew memberships.
        meetings.                                                                       JOIN GIADA TODAY
                                                Some describe him as the
        Dennis Pope has worked with Peoples    gray-haired man using the             If you are a current dealer or
        Financial for over 50 years. In that time,   table near the coke machine.        sell to dealers, GIADA
        he’s received 17 Crystal Eagles (recruiting                                   membership will grow your
        100  people  in  2  years)  from  NIADA,  17   His office is the break room.    business and save you
        Eagle  Awards  (recruiting  20 people in  a   He wears a smile on his         money! Learn more about
        year) from NIADA and 17 Wheel Club      face and exudes happiness             why GIADA membership is
        Awards (recruiting 10 new members                                                a critical investment.
        to GIADA each year).  That’s a lot  of        and positivity.
        recruiting! He’s the ultimate giver of all                                          CLICK HERE TO
        givers. He always wants to help when he  Without fail, D.J. ends each call to every   GET STARTED
        can and he’s truly a great guy!      member of our association with, “Thanks
                                             for  thinking  GIADA.  We appreciate

                                                                                   GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2018  |  7
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