Page 46 - GIADA-August-2018-Final
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        Power of consumer: In auto retail,

        make it personal

        By Joe Overby, Senior Editor, Auto Remarketing

        In talking with dealers, Autotrader general  launching automotiveMastermind in 2012  MAKE IT PERSONAL
        manager Jessica Stafford sometimes gets  with Johannes Gnauck, who also worked at  While Schnabl was speaking more to the
        this question: does digital retailing put  that Mercedes store.           marketing side of automotive, the same
        dealers  in  danger  of  losing  control  of  the                         personalization on the digital retailing side
        car-buying process?                  Since it is owned and operated by the  was emphasized by Stafford at Autotrader.
                                             automaker,  Schnabl  said the Mercedes
        “And the answer is, no. It’s actually not  dealership pilot-tested various technologies,   Shoppers in essentially every
        this  battle  for  control  any  more.  It’s  just  including CRM, DMS and equity-mining   other retail vertical now
        enablement and access to information,”  tools.
        Stafford said in a phone interview last week.                                 expect this personalized
                                             “And we quickly learned that yes, the      experience, she said.
        “Amazon and the  like have taught us as  engineering of a car is highly sophisticated,
        consumers that this is the new normal. This  but the process itself and how to sell   You expect your favorite clothier to deliver a
        is the new behavior,” she said. “So, how do  that same car and how to connect with   tailored online experience, and for example,
        we in the automotive industry get into the  consumers — despite a vast array of   know what you might be looking for and
        leading position in that, as well?   different tools and technologies — is not   allow you to save credit card information
                                             sophisticated at all,” he said in a phone   for future purchases.
        That’s the thought that Autotrader, its peers,  interview.
        dealers, automakers and others throughout                                      That expectation of a
        the car business are pondering, with many  Compare that to the sophistication of
        testing new techniques to adapt to this  Netflix and Amazon, which were beginning   personalized experience
        “new normal.”                        to make waves at that point.              extends to car-buying,
                                                                                            Stafford said.
        Hyundai,  for  instance,  launched  a  digital  “We thought, these companies are applying
        showroom on on Wednesday  a different type of technology, much more
        that lets consumers check out pricing and  sophisticated to their customers, trying   “I expect to know what’s available, what the
        reviews, set up test drives, view dealer  to  understand  what  matters  most  to  the   price is that others have paid, what all of the
        inventories and more.                consumer and making them an offer that   fees are that are included,” she said. “And
                                             is very, very important and relevant to   the more of that information that I have as
        “This collaboration with Amazon provides  that individual consumer,” said Schnabl,   a consumer, I feel confident and certain in
        customers with the ability to learn about  now the co-chief executive officer of   the purchase that I’m making and (end up)
        Hyundai vehicles in a way that matches  automotiveMastermind, which provides   a  happy  customer  and  a more profitable
        their  expectations  for  nearly  every  other  predictive  analytics  and  marketing  customer.”
        type  of  purchase,”  said  Tim  Maxwell,  automation to the car business.
        Hyundai  Motor America’s  senior  group                                   While this is a cross-generational
        manager for digital marketing, in a news  “Why can’t we do the same for the auto   expectation, it is interesting to note that the
        release.                             industry?” he said.                  general outlook on personalized retail has
                                                                                  shifted over the last decade.
        “Hyundai and its dealers are modernizing  So, automotiveMastermind went about
        the car buying process, so it made sense for  to trim pain points in the sales process   “The kind of data-enabled personalization
        us to be the first car company with its own  — which Schnabl contends are also a   and targeting that used to happen five, 10
        digital showroom,” Maxwell said.     thorn in the side of dealers — and make   years ago and was creepy and annoying and
                                             it less complex. They began developing   weird, is now not only a good thing, but it’s
        UTILIZING ‘SOPHISTICATED             technology “that would predict based on   expected by consumers across the board,”
        TECHNOLOGY’                          thousands of different data points how   she said.
        For Marco Schnabl, this new way of  likely it is that someone is going to react to
        thinking began during his days working  an offer.”                        Continued on page 48
        at Mercedes-Benz of Manhattan prior to
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