Page 51 - GIADA-August-2018-Final
P. 51

welcome to

             GIADA Legal Resources

             Powered by Gregory Law, LLC

             Legal expertise from a business perspective.

             Gregory Law understands all of the operational    •  All Dealership Counsel.  Sale transactions,
             concerns car dealers have from startup to all of the roles   acquisitions, defense and plaintiff representation,
             required to operate the various profit centers day in and   contracts and negotiations
             day out because we were dealers first.            •  Dealership Consulting and Compliance
                                                                 Management.  Consulting services to mitigate risk,
             •  Part-Time, In House Counsel.  The best way to    maximize shareholder return and aid closely held
               mitigate risk is to seek guidance and direction early   entities.
               before issues arise

             Call 404-483-1212
             Or visit


                     LAW , LLC.

             GIADA LEGAL
             RESOUR CES

                                                                                   GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2018  |  49
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