Page 53 - GIADA-August-2018-Final
P. 53


        GIADA Donates $1,000 to the American

        Cancer Society

        Between the association’s resources and  contribution. Shannon McClure, Senior  Society  uses the money  donated to  fund
        the Auxiliary’s fundraising efforts, we  Manager for the Southeast region of  research to cure cancer.
        were able to give a $1,000 donation to the  American  Cancer Society, was honored
        American  Cancer  Society  at  the  GIADA  with the fund on behalf of the American  “It’s obvious that GIADA functions as a
        Banquet. The contribution was made  Cancer Society. She likened GIADA to a  large family,” she continued. “The way the
        in honor and memory of the late Billy  close-knit family.                 event was organized spoke very highly of
        Graham. A relentless soul, Billy survived                                 the association.”
        cancer more than once.               “My husband and I were warmly received,”
                                             said  McClure.  “Billy’s  program  was  very  To make a contribution to the American
        Ranae Barton, President of Auxiliary,  touching.  I was  honored  to accept  the  Cancer Society, visit
        played  a large  role  in  organizing  the  donation in his honor. American Cancer  involved/donate/memorial-giving.html. n

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