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THE CARLAWYER                     ©

        The CARLAWYER                                     ©

        By Thomas B. Hudson and Nicole F. Munro
        Here’s our monthly article on legal  intended, or had the legal authority, to take  State and local law enforcement agencies
        developments in the auto sales, finance  those actions.                   also enforce the recently amended Rule.
        and leasing world. This month, the action
        involves the Bureau of Consumer Financial  The Bureau also alleged that NCA and  Task Force Attacks on Several Fronts. On
        Protection, the Federal Trade Commission,  Hochstein continued placing debt with the  July 11, the Department of Justice, the
        the Department of Justice, and the  companies for collection with knowledge or  Bureau and the Securities and Exchange
        Securities and Exchange Commission.  reckless disregard of the companies’ illegal  Commission announced the establishment
        As usual, this month’s article features our  and harmful consumer debt collection  of  the Task  Force on  Market  Integrity
        “Case of the Month.”                 practices. In addition, NCA and Hochstein  and Consumer Fraud, created by the
                                             allegedly sold consumer debt portfolios  President pursuant to an Executive Order.
        Note that this column does not offer legal  with a face value of more than $700 million  The  Task  Force  will  provide  guidance
        advice. Always check with your lawyer to  to one of the debt collection companies  for the investigation and prosecution of
        learn how what we report might apply to  with knowledge or reckless disregard of the  cases involving fraud on the government,
        you, or if you have questions.       company’s illegal and harmful consumer  the financial markets, and consumers,
                                             debt collection practices.  The  consent  including cyber-fraud and other fraud
               This Month’s CARLAWYER        order imposes a judgment for civil money  targeting the elderly, servicemembers, and
                   Compliance Tip            penalties of $3 million against NCA and $3  veterans.
                                             million against Hochstein, but full payment
        Have you been keeping an eye on the  of those amounts is suspended upon NCA’s  Changing of the Guard? On July 9, Mick
        Federal Trade Commission’s requirement  and Hochstein’s payment of a smaller  Mulvaney,  acting  director  of  the  Bureau,
        for dealers to use a revised version of the  amount.                      announced that he appointed the Bureau’s
        Buyer’s Guide? As you’ll see from the                                     principal policy director, Brian Johnson,
        description below of the FTC’s multistate  Sweeping With a New Broom.  On July  as deputy acting director. The President
        enforcement sweep investigating the level  12, the FTC and 12 "partner agencies" in  recently nominated Kathy Kraninger to
        of dealer compliance, the Feds are serious  seven states conducted the first compliance  be the director of the Bureau. Kraninger
        about enforcing the requirement. If you are  sweep of car dealerships since the amended  is currently an associate director at the
        not fully up the compliance curve on this  Used Car Rule took effect earlier this year.  Office of Management and Budget. Mick
        one, you’d better get some schooling about  The amended Rule requires dealerships  Mulvaney will continue to serve as acting
        the new form and its use.            to display a revised "Buyers Guide,"  director until Kraninger is confirmed by
                                             containing warranty and other important  the Senate.
                Federal Developments         information, on each used car they offer
                                             for sale. The 20-city sweep, conducted         Case of the Month
        Bureau Moves Again on Debt Collection.  between April and June 2018, revealed
        On July 13, the Bureau announced that it  Buyers Guides on 70 percent of the more  With the CFPB’s announced focus on debt
        obtained a consent order with National  than 2,300 vehicles inspected, with almost  collection, dealers and finance companies
        Credit Adjusters, LLC, and its former  half of those displaying the revised Buyers  will no doubt face more challenges to
        CEO and part-owner, Bradley Hochstein,  Guide. Of the 94 dealerships inspected, 33  their debt collection efforts. With so many
        resolving allegations that their use of a  had the revised Buyers Guide on more than  ways debt collectors can be challenged,
        network of debt collection companies to  half of their vehicles, and 14 had revised  compliance minded folks should also zero
        collect consumer debt on NCA’s behalf  Buyers Guides on all of their used cars.   in on collections compliance. Here’s a good
        violated the Consumer Financial Protection                                example of why that is so.
        Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices  The FTC notified each dealership of the
        Act. The debt collection companies allegedly  results  of  the  inspections  and  provided  After Leonides Guevara defaulted on
        engaged in unlawful debt collection acts  material to help them come into full  a  vehicle-secured  credit  agreement
        and practices, including representing that  compliance with the amended Rule.  with Hyundai Motor Finance, Hyundai
        consumers owed more than they were  Dealerships not displaying the revised  repossessed the vehicle and sold it. A
        legally required to pay and threatening  Buyers Guide can expect follow-up  deficiency  remained  after  the  sale,  but
        consumers and their family members with  inspections to ensure they are complying  Hyundai anticipated certain refunds from
        legal actions such as lawsuits, visits from  with  the  amended  Rule.  Under  the  FTC  the  cancellation of ancillary products
        process servers, and arrest, when neither  Act, dealerships that fail to comply face  that were sold with the vehicle that would
        NCA nor the debt collection companies  penalties of up to $41,484 per violation.  reduce the amount of the deficiency.

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