Page 57 - GIADA-August-2018-Final
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THE CARLAWYER              ©

        Hyundai hired Constar Financial Services,  The federal trial court denied Constar’s  Guevara v. Constar Financial Services, LLC,
        LLC, a debt collector, to collect Guevara’s  motion. The court first found that the  2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 99729 (M.D. Pa. June
        debt. Hyundai told Constar that Guevara  pleadings failed to show whether Hyundai  14, 2018)
        owed the entire deficiency, without  would  have  shown  the  anticipated  refund
        accounting for the anticipated refund  amounts in the information it provided to  So, there’s this month’s roundup! Stay legal,
        amounts, and Constar sent Guevara a letter  Constar. Absent this information, the court  and we’ll see you next month. n
        seeking to collect the entire deficiency.   could not determine what amount Guevara
                                             owed at the time Constar sent the letter.   Tom ( is Of Counsel
        After Constar sent the letter, Hyundai                                    and Nikki ( is a
        received the refunds it was expecting.  Next, the court considered whether Constar  Partner in the law firm of Hudson Cook,
        Constar never tried to correct the  was entitled to rely on information from  LLP. Tom has written several books and is
        information it had already sent to Guevara.  Hyundai. The court reasoned that because  the publisher of Spot Delivery®, a monthly
        Guevara sued Constar, alleging that it  the FDCPA is a strict liability statute, a  legal newsletter for auto dealers. He is the
        violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices  debt collector is liable for its unintentional  CEO of, LLC and
        Act by including the anticipated refund  violations of the FDCPA, unless it can  the Senior Editor of CounselorLibrary.
        amounts in the balance it said he owed.   establish the bona fide error defense. In  com’s CARLAW®, a monthly report of legal
                                             this situation, the court explained, Constar  developments for the auto finance and
        Constar  moved  for  judgment  on  the  could take advantage of the bona fide  leasing industry. Nikki is Editor in Chief of
        pleadings on the grounds that the debt was  error defense if it showed that its reliance  CARLAW®, a contributing author to the F&I
        correct at the time it stated the amount  on  the  information  from  Hyundai  was  Legal Desk Book and frequently writes for
        because Hyundai had not yet received  reasonable. But, the court emphasized, the  Spot Delivery®. For information, visit www.
        the anticipated refund amounts. In the  debt collector bears the burden of showing © CounselorLibrary.
        alternative, Constar claimed that it was  it is entitled to the bona fide error defense.  com 2018, all rights reserved. Single
        entitled to rely on the information that  Because Constar had not made such a  publication rights only, to the Association.
        Hyundai provided.                    showing, it was not entitled to judgment on  (8/18). HC 4848-3995-1983.1
                                             the pleadings.

                      we are.                                                  


                                                                                   GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2018  |  55
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