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MISSISSIPPI DEALER                  Message from the Executive Director
         The official digital magazine of the
         MISSISSIPPI INDEPENDENT             By Tony Lawler, Executive Director
         MSIADA.ORG                                                Greetings and a big THANK YOU to all who attended the
         1705 Old Whitfield Road, Suite A                          2021 MISS-LOU Convention that was recently held at the
         Pearl, MS 39208                                           Hollywood Casino and Resort in Bay St. Louis, MS. We truly
         T (601) 939 - 9866  |  F (601) 939 - 9882                 had an outstanding line-up of nationally recognized speakers
                                                                   and presenters. We had roughly 150 attendees, which included
                                                                   dealers, exhibitors, and speakers. I was pleased with the turnout
                                                                   especially with battling COVID and Hurricane Ida issues prior
                                                                   to the event. I sincerely hope that everyone had a great time and
                                                                   plans are already being made to make next year’s convention
                                                                   even bigger and better. Again, thank you for the support!
               D.P. Danna - Selecta Motors
                    Indianola, MS                                  At the board meeting held at this year’s convention, it was decided
                     PRESIDENT               that to, hopefully, grow and increase the effectiveness of the association, some restructuring
         Bentley Nolan - Nolan Brothers Motor Sales  may be in order. First, we reduced the board from seven members to five members and formed
                     Tupelo, MS              two new committees: a political action committee and a services committee. The new board
                   VICE PRESIDENT            members and their position are as follows: Chairman of the Board, D. P. Danna; President,
         Russell Wilmoth - American Automotive, Inc.  Bentley Nolan; Vice President, Russell Wilmouth; Secretary, Randy Luster; and Treasurer,
                    Yazoo City, MS           Dodd Turner. These gentlemen are longtime dealers and members who are willing to give up
                     SECRETARY               some of their time to help improve the association and serve you, the members. Thank you to
           Randy Luster - Hazlehurst Auto Sales,   our new board members.
                   Hazlehurst, MS
                     TREASURER               The Political Action Committee is still in the early stages of being officially formed and will
             Dodd Turner - Turner Auto Group
                   Greenwood, MS             be chaired by Thomas Conner. This committee will be very active in the legislative process
          POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE CHAIR   when issues arise that affect this industry, both by introducing legislation to help independent
            Thomas Conner - Heritage RV Center  auto dealers and fighting legislation that has been introduced that can potentially harm the
                     Canton, MS              independent auto dealers. Thomas has a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with
             SERVICES COMMITTEE CHAIR        the entire legislative process and will undoubtably build a strong committee of your peers to
           Brian Johnson - Auto Mart of Flowood  help in this endeavor.
                     Flowood, MS
                                             The Services Committee will be chaired by Brian Johnson. Brian is a longtime member of
             EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR | EDITOR     the association who knows what it takes to be a productive member of the association as
                     Tony Lawler
                 OFFICE MANAGER &            he recently served on the Board in various positions. This committee will be tasked with
             MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR          developing new ideas, programs, and activities to help strengthen and grow the association,
                     Erin Holden             as well as developing members into potentially future board members.
                   Professional Mojo         As you can see, your Mississippi Independent Auto Dealers Association has a lot going on
          these days and would love to have you become involved in growing our association. If anyone
                                             is interested in serving on one of these committees, please do not hesitate to contact me or one
         Mississippi Dealer magazine is      of the chairmen. As always, it is a great honor to serve you as your executive director and feel
         published quarterly by the MIADA,   free to contact me if I may be of any assistance. n
         representing quality independent
         automobile dealers throughout
         Mississippi. MIADA assists members                            AUTO DEALERS INSURANCE
         in becoming more successful within
         the used motor vehicle industry by   SERVING MIADA SINCE 1989  •  DEPENDABLE SERVICE  •  COMPETITIVE RATES
         consistently bringing you industry                           Truth & Lending E&O Coverage & Title E&O Coverage
         education, valuable information,                             False Pretense • Worker’s Compensation • Garage Liability
         services and benefits designed                               Odometer Coverage • Commercial Property • Repair Shops
         to prepare members for an ever-                               Dealers Open Lot • Dealer & Title Bonds • Life & Health
         changing marketplace.
                                                                          CALL OUR OFFICE TO SAVE MONEY!
           For more information about the MIADA                                    LEE DIXON, CIC
            topics addressed in this issue or for                                     LI CENS ED A GENT
          additional copies please contact MIADA,                      WEST INSURANCE CENTER, INC.
                   (601) 939 - 9866.
                    Copyright 2021             RELIABILITY            800-898-1030  •

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