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THE CARLAWYER                     ©

        The CARLAWYER                                     ©

        By Eric Johnson, Partner, Hudson Cook, LLP, Editor in Chief of’s Spot Delivery®

        Here’s our monthly article on selected legal  Financial  Institution  Services  and  consumers to CRAs, including disputes
        developments we think might interest the   Systems to provide financial institutions  related to identity theft. The Bureau also

        auto sales, finance, and leasing world.  with  examples  of  effective  risk  alleged  that  the  debt  collector  received
        This month, the developments involve   management principles and practices for  disputes  of  identity  theft  directly  from
        the Consumer Financial Protection  customers, employees, and third parties  consumers  and  furnished  information to
        Bureau, the Office of the Comptroller  accessing digital banking services  CRAs  about  those  consumers’ accounts
        of the Currency, the Federal Financial  and financial institution information  without conducting an investigation  of
        Institutions Examination Council, the  systems. The guidance replaces the  the disputes. Finally, the Bureau alleged
        Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,  FFIEC-issued   Authentication  in  an  that the debt collector represented to
        and the Federal Reserve Board.  As usual,   Internet Banking Environment (2005) and  consumers  that  they  owed  certain  debts
        our article features the “Case(s) of the  the  Supplement to Authentication in an  when, in fact, it did not have a reasonable
        Month” and our “Compliance Tip.”  Note  Internet Banking Environment  (2011),  basis to assert that the consumers owed
        that this column  does  not  offer  legal  which provided risk management practices  those  debts.  Among  other  things,  the
        advice.  Always check with your lawyer to  for financial institutions offering Internet-  proposed  settlement requires  the debt
        learn how what we report might apply to  based products and services.     collector to implement adequate policies
        you or if you have questions.                                             and procedures in connection with its
                                             On August 13, the  Federal Deposit   furnishing of consumer information to
                   FEDERAL                   Insurance Corporation issued a request   CRAs and to pay an $850,000 civil penalty. 
              DEVELOPMENTS                   for information from FDIC-supervised
                                             financial institutions regarding the  On August 26, the  Consumer Financial
                                             agency’s  supervisory  approach  to  Protection Bureau issued its fifth and
        On July 30, the  Consumer Financial   examinations during the COVID-19  final blog post in a series of posts
        Protection Bureau announced that two   pandemic. Specifically, the FDIC is  examining trends in consumer credit
        final rules issued under the Fair Debt   seeking information on the effectiveness  outcomes  during  the  COVID-19
        Collection Practices Act will take effect   of  conducting  certain  examination  pandemic. The current blog post focuses
        as planned on November 30, 2021. The   activities off-site rather than on-site, the  on access to new credit, specifically the
        Bureau issued a proposal in April 2021   effectiveness of technology used to conduct  share of new credit applications that
        that, if finalized, would have extended the   off-site examination activities,  and the  result in new accounts and the amount
        effective  dates  to January  29, 2022.  The   effectiveness of communication methods  of credit that is extended to consumers
        Bureau has now determined that such an   used to support off-site examination  who open new accounts. The report uses
        extension is unnecessary and the rules will   activities. Comments must be received by  data from the Bureau’s Consumer Credit
        take effect as planned.              October 12, 2021.                    Panel, a  nationally representative  sample
                                                                                  of approximately five million de-identified
        On  August  5,  the  Office of the   On August 17, the  Consumer Financial   credit records maintained by one of the
        Comptroller of the Currency issued   Protection Bureau announced that it   three nationwide consumer reporting
        Bulletin 2021-35 to inform national   obtained a proposed settlement with Fair   agencies. 
        banks, federal savings associations,   Collections & Outsourcing and its owner,
        and federal branches and agencies of   resolving allegations that the company’s  On August 27, the  Federal Deposit
        foreign banking organizations of the   debt collection practices violated the  Insurance Corporation, Federal Reserve
        appropriate names  and addresses  that   Consumer  Financial Protection  Act of  Board, and Office of the Comptroller of
        should be included in notices required   2010, the Fair Credit Reporting Act,  the Currency released a guide intended
        by  the Community  Reinvestment Act   Regulation V (the Furnisher Rule),  to serve as a resource for community
        and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act   and the Fair Debt Collection Practices  banks  when conducting  due  diligence
        and on posters required by the Fair   Act. Specifically, the Bureau alleged that  on  prospective  relationships  with
        Housing Act.                         the debt  collector lacked reasonable   financial technology companies. The
                                             policies and procedures regarding the  guide covers six key areas of due diligence
        On August 11, the  Federal Financial  accuracy and integrity of the information  that community banks can consider
        Institutions  Examination  Council,  it furnished to consumer reporting  when exploring arrangements with
        on behalf of its members (including  agencies and failed to conduct reasonable  fintech companies: business experience
        the    CFPB),    issued    guidance  investigations of indirect consumer  and qualifications, financial condition,
        titled  Authentication and Access to  disputes, which are disputes submitted by  legal and regulatory compliance, risk

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