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management and control processes,  dealership’s] documents in this case leads
                                             information security, and operational  to the conclusion that they are seriously
                                             resilience. Use of the guide is voluntary,  lacking in clarity such that it is impossible
             REMEMBER                        and the guide does not anticipate all types  for [the court] to see how there was a
                                                                                  clear meeting of minds with respect to the
                                             of third-party relationships and risks. 
                                                                                  arbitration provision, and certainly not the
                       TO                     CASE(S) OF THE MONTH                limitations on damages provision.” Rather
                                                                                  than sever the damages clause and compel
             FALL BACK                       Arbitration  Provisions  in   Three  the parties to arbitrate, the appellate
                                                                                  court refused to compel arbitration,
                                             Vehicle Purchase Documents that  finding that “the arbitration provision is
                                             Included Similar, but Not Identical,  referred to inconsistently throughout the
             Daylight Savings                Arbitration   Language,   Including  documents. It is impossible … to conclude

             Time ends soon!                 Regarding Limitations on Damages,  that there was a true meeting of the minds
                                             Were Inconsistent and Unclear and  with  respect  to  the  exact  terms  of  the
             The time change                 Thus Not Enforceable by Dealership:  arbitration.” See Green v. Frazier, 2021 Ky.
                                             A dealership’s sales agent  told  a  car  App. LEXIS 80 (Ky. App. July 9, 2021).
               will happen at                buyer that the car was new with no prior
                  2 a.m. on                  damage. As  part  of  the purchase,  the     COMPLIANCE
                                             buyer signed a purchase contract, an
              Sunday, Nov. 7.                addendum, and an acknowledgement of                 TIP
                                             terms of sale. The documents contained
                                             similar,  but  not identical, arbitration   Our Case of the Month highlights how this
                                             provisions. The buyer later learned that   dealership failed in its arbitration battle
                                             his vehicle had been damaged before he   with the consumer and how the court
                                             bought it. He sued the dealership and the   concluded there was no true “meeting of
                                             sales agent in connection with the alleged   the minds” with respect to the terms of
                                             misrepresentation of the condition of the   arbitration.  The arbitration terms in the
                                             car. The defendants moved to, among   three vehicle purchase documents were
                                             other things, compel arbitration. The trial   similar, but not identical, and the court
                                             court denied the motion, finding that the   found that this lack of clarity among the
                                             arbitration provision  in the  addendum   various provisions meant there was no
                                             was    substantively  unconscionable  agreement on the terms of arbitration.
                                             because it limited the parties’ rights   We still see this issue pop up in some deal
                                             to recover consequential and punitive   jackets we review.  Read the documents
                                             damages. The  Court of Appeals of    you’re asking your buyers to sign – do you
                                             Kentucky  affirmed. The appellate court   have them sign two different arbitration
                                             noted that “a consumer contract which   agreements or provisions?  What do the
                                             seeks to exclude damages that would   terms of the arbitration agreements or
                                             otherwise be available to the buyer,   provisions say?    If the arbitration terms in
                                             such  as  those  falling  within  Kentucky’s   your documents aren’t the same or if they
                                             Consumer Protection Act, must do so   conflict, it’s time for a legal checkup!
                                             clearly, concisely, and noticeably such that
                                             there can be no doubt that the consumer   So, there’s this month’s roundup!  Stay
                                             understands the rights he is giving up   legal, and we’ll see you next month. n
                                             by signing the contract.” The appellate
                                             court noted that the purchase contract   Eric ( is a Partner
                                             does not contain a clause restricting   in the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLP,
                                             or limiting consequential or punitive   Editor in Chief of’s
                                             damages. The  addendum restricts the   Spot Delivery , a monthly legal newsletter
                                             arbitrator from awarding either party   for auto dealers and a contributing
                                             consequential or punitive  damages. The   author to the F&I Legal Desk Book.  For
                                             acknowledgement omits any reference   information, visit www.counselorlibrary.
                                             to the limitations on damages provision   com. 2021, all
                                             contained in the addendum. According   rights reserved. Single publication rights
                                             to  the  appellate  court,  “[t]aken  in   only to the Association.  HC# 4814-2567-
                                             their totality, an examination of [the   1161

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