Page 25 - Nihil Alchemia CRUCIBLE Issue One MAY 2020 Flip Book
P. 25

Internationally-acclaimed American video artist

 Synaesthesia builds up while  texts,  and sounds are necessary   Bill Viola has experimented with fine art for over

 being in the presence of a distinct  for the individual’s  personal use   four decades, and he was able to reach out to
                                 his viewers by transfiguration. Through distortion,
 sight,  taste,  odour, sound, and  because achieving a  meditative   motion, and physical transformation, his subjects
 texture  that  remind  us of  a past  state doesn’t happen immediately.   appear to be living in their own metaphors, which
 experience. Even reading words  Synaesthesia is lost when technical   are different  from standard cinematography

 can have a unique meaning to  interruptions,  like the absence  of   concepts of  sequences and omnipresence.
 a person and trigger sensation.  a WiFi, impede from watching the   The Passions  (2000-03)  is  an assemblage of

 The physiological phenomenon is  video in its intended sequence.  contracting  faces presented in  asynchronous
 referred to as ASMR or autonomous   groups and individualized, respectively, to create
 sensory  meridian  response. While the precept of meditation is   distinct vibrations enough to stir the viewer. The

 Apparently it starts from the head  to be free from thoughts, isolation   Martyrs (2014), in London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral,
                                 attempts to resonate martyrdom to modern-day
 travelling down to a sensitive part  doesn’t always facilitate  that.   visitors  by  showing  subjects  who  are  suffering
 of  our  body. This  is  the  beauty of  Videos  have  the  interactive,  but  defiant  from  natural  ‘tortures’.  Viola’s  art

 science.   multi-layering,  and  replay  was a breakthrough in the video medium as it
 capability to introduce strange   has captured meditative qualities of the human
 Since meditation is concerned  and familiar  contexts. They are   experience.

 with conserving energy or healing  windows or portals to world views
 of the mind, a media device can  that challenge our current state   However you look at it, art, media, and technology
 help the viewer deduce  one or  of mind.  Moving images are   continues to push through the fabric of personal
                                 space in pursuit of intimacy. This is called the art
 two senses so he can concentrate  released from the confines of their   of ‘tunnelling’ where a mediated guide attempts
 on those. We already do this with  frames, and the person meditating   to  induce  the  individual  into  meditation  with
 our  phones,  books,  and  in-flight  creates a whole  new  experience   little  cognitive effort.  We’re not talking about  a

 entertainment.  It  sits  in  the grey  — a gestalt of the truthful present   sequence of instructions  but a takeover of  the
 area between leisure  and rest  —  and the ideal vision.  Sensorial   senses.  Art  spaces have successfully  produced

 you’d want to follow the ball rolling  perception becomes more than   such environment where no human assistance is
 but prefer to learn (or learn from) it  a bodily condition; transfiguration   needed. And it’s only a matter of time before the
 rather than chase it. The delicate  takes form.  world is introduced to an outlet popular enough
                                 to  change the zeitgeist.  So long as mindfulness
 framing  and editing of images,   is practiced over consumption, experiencing the

                                 moment can never be shattered.
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