Page 28 - Nihil Alchemia CRUCIBLE Issue One MAY 2020 Flip Book
P. 28

Video art is increasingly being incorporated
  within multi-sensory installations and unique
  viewing environments. Here work by Zheng
  Bo, Pipilotti Rist, and Heather Phillipson are
  examples of varying approaches that stretch
  conventional video art presentations.

  Zheng Bo presents Pteridophilia 1-4 — his
  ongoing video series which explores a future
  world of erotic connection between humans
  and plants. Four large flat screens rest low
  to the ground, facing rows of potted ferns
  propped up on cement bricks.

  Watching  the  videos necessitates weaving
  through the space, and crouching or sitting.
  As I view naked men on screen licking and
  caressing plants, it is hard to find a view not
  partially obscured by a frond, and the ferns
  are  brushing up against me. The parallels
  make  me  acutely  aware  of  every  human
  presence nearby.

  British artist  and  poet  Heather  Phillipson
  also conceives a futuristic garden, but this
  time humans are merely compost and
  food. Yet,  Mesocosmic Indoor Overture  is
  strangely devoid of life. It is a mix of dead
  timbers contrasted  with  a  colourful  neon
  pop inspired aesthetic.

  Messy, fibrous mulch lays scattered over the
  gallery  floor.  On  top  are  tree  stumps  and
  odd bird houses with tails. The only life in                                                                                                                In With All my Love for the Tulips, I Pray Forever,
  this garden is the brightly coloured images                                                                                                                 Yayoi Kusama heightens our senses through a

  writhing  on  several  vertically  oriented                                                                                                                 disruption of surfaces. A spatial breakdown
  screens.  A familiar  earthy,  woody outdoor                                                                                                                occurs as huge flowers loom above covered in
  smell fills the air. It is not clear what is going                                                                                                          her signature coloured dots. Kusama refers to the
  on, but wall panels inform that images are                                                                                                                  effect she aims to induce as ‘self-obliteration’.
  of the Skunk Cabbage — notorious for its                                                                                                                    With attention distracted away from ‘the self’, it
  flowers which smell of rotting meat.                                                                                                                        feels freeing and her garden takes on an infinite
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