Page 32 - Nihil Alchemia CRUCIBLE Issue One MAY 2020 Flip Book
P. 32
Reality is Nothing
Other than Presence This is what meditation a very familiar dream in
brought to my journey. the beginning. It took
A simple feeling of just a second for my
Stanislava Georgieva enlightenment and brain to relate these hazy
oneness with the images with a distant and
My life in the last ten years has We must focus on the fact that Universe where no past forgotten emotion. The
turned around faster than the we`re all good, not on the fear of and future exist. Where sensations were so strong
rotation speed of Mother Earth, losing each other. there is no fear, a natural as only a kid can feel it.
and past, present, and future have sense of personal space So intense that my breath
been centrifuged to an infinite like it has never existed got stuck in my chest for
tangled mess. This feeling of before. Presence is the a second. This is me, in
confusion is deeply rooted in the art of enjoying the exact the here and now with my
times when I’ve been searching moment of living. Every body, and 25 years ago
for happiness in places where meditation practice is a with my sensations.
only material possessions were unique experience where
standing. In 2019 right before In the here and the body and mind reach This is the most
Christmas eve, I had had my first peaceful equilibrium in the extraordinary feeling.
panic attack. It forced me to jump realness of the moment. Since then, every time
on the brakes of the project Perfect now, the only Meditation is about I meditate, I initiate an
Life and to observe more why acceptance and dealing intention to open that
this severe nervous breakdown with what is, not what was very old page of my life,
happened to me. Did I do this to thing in my life or will be. It’s a perfect full of colorful places,
myself? cure to our overplanned magical friendships, and
The hit was very hard. It broke is your life. lives and constant sense pure love and happiness.
of inadequacy in the The limitless freedom that
my feelings, I was paralyzed by background, so we can once was possible and I
my emotions, and people around regain the feeling of doing had forgotten about still
me seemed worried. I needed to Mitsuo Aida the right thing. exists every time I invite
understand this nightmare so After just one year of myself to dissolve my
badly. For the first time in my life, meditation practices, mind into the meditation
I’ve totally lost it. Two months after I’ve experienced many practice. These experiences
the panic attack, I had my first benefits for my mental translate into my daily
meditation. Today, one year later, health, including a routine as calmness, and
I’m so thankful for the lessons I’ve whole new life-changing are a great reminder that
learned in those hard moments. philosophy. But the most I am capable of pure and
Because that experience helps me special and intimate thing magical feelings. Today,
today, in these crazy times, to stay
centered and to be a beacon of that has happened to when the world is sick,
me during meditation there is still one curious,
hope for my family that everything
will be fine very soon, and we can was the moment when I happy and loving child in
see each other with no fear. unlocked memories from all of us, just wanting to
my childhood. It was like enjoy freedom and life.