Page 34 - Nihil Alchemia CRUCIBLE Issue One MAY 2020 Flip Book
P. 34
Back in the fast-moving mental substances, have the
non-isolation days, we had power to balance our presence,
completely forgotten how to and to draw a clear border
enjoy our free time. Today, between material abundance
when we have so much of it, we and an inner peace. We are non-
are given a great possibility to stop communicators, working
invest in ourselves. Meditation more than we think, absorbing
gently leads me to a state of and processing information
mind where no rush is needed. 24/7, never too tired for more.
The Japanese call it ikigai, and One of the most valuable
it means “the joy of (always) pieces of knowledge today is
being busy”. This philosophy how to get rid of the tension
suggests meditation practices and how to create a (mental)
daily while we’re breathing, safe space for ourselves. The
cleaning, cooking, and good news is that meditation
whatever our journey requires is able to do this for me - and
from us. Life is so much for anyone who dares to try
more meaningful when it is it - with immediate benefits.
appreciated. It has been working for many
centuries, it works today,
It’s a must to properly take care and it will work forever. The
of our minds in today’s burn- only thing one can lose from
out reality. We, as the ultimate practicing meditation is one’s
combination of physical and own anxiety.
I love to write, and I have
written a couple of articles
for yoga, meditation, lifestyle
and self-development. I
also have two and a half
years experience with
writing product (technical)
documentation, market
analysis, basics in marketing,
PR and coaching. I really
like the sentence “Sharing is
caring”, and my best sharing
way is writing.