Page 4 - March 2019 Aztlan Trestleboard
P. 4
2019 Committee Chairmen
Audit Committee Finance Outdoor Degree
Keith Rosewitz Keith Rosewitz Steve Bracety
Ray Everett
Charles Arnold
Awards Night Funerals Scholarship
TBD David Lubke Zach Cagley
Blue Lodge Education Historian Social Media
Zach Cagley Ken Davis Ken Davis
Cemetery Administration Librarian Strategic Planning
David Lubke Books - Don Davis Ted Gambogi
James Robinson
Charity Masonic Family Picnics Trestleboard
Ted Gambogi Charlie Arnold Ken Davis
Facilities Maintenance MSA Representative Website
Keith Rosewitz Richard Guinn Keith Rosewitz
Officers Coach
Keith Rosewitz
Please note we no longer supply email addresses and other personal information for our Committee Chairmen
This information is available in a newly update Lodge Directory. If you do not have a copy contact the Secretary
The concierge, an occasional therapist, a magician and a
Scriptorium miracle worker at times within their organization.
I follow in a proud line of remarkable lead-
Worshipful Master, Officers and ers. Each have made important and lasting contribu-
Members of Aztlan Lodge. tions to our Lodge. My predecessors were conscien-
I am deeply touched and inspired by your tious officers that ensured that the Masonic Lodge
generous words of congratulations and encourage- and members were never overlooked. They were
ment on the appointment of the office of Lodge Sec- men that did their very best in ensuring that the office
retary. With boundless gratitude for the confidence of the Secretary was always going strong.
placed in me by the Lodge, and with an unswerving My brothers and sisters I hope that I can fill
resolve to honor that trust, I look forward to execute the shoes of the great Secretary’s that this Lodge has
the duties of this very important office.
My primary goal will be to uphold the highest had. I work for you and I will do the very best job I
standards of professionalism and integrity in this ex- can to ensure AZTLAN Lodge No. 1, is always num-
ecution of the duties of this office. ber one!
According to certain Human Resource sur- As we continue the transition period, I hope
veys, secretaries reported filling roles around the of- you will be patient in the changing of the guard. I
fice in everything from human resources to account- will review the Master’s goals and objectives
ing. Secretaries also described themselves as being a Continued on Page 9 Page 3