Page 7 - March 2019 Aztlan Trestleboard
P. 7

From the West Gate                        in possibly becoming a future officer, please let ei-
                                                                ther myself or one of the Pedestal Officers know.

                    Greetings from the West,                    Fraternally from the West,

                    Brethren, I just came in from the cold      Steve B
                    having spent the better part of the
         morning shoveling snow.  You may or may not
         know this about me, but I attended college in Buf-                 Lodge Breakfast Schedule
         falo, New York.  You would tend to think that I
         use to cold and snowy weather, however having                  The Monthly Lodge Breakfast is held
         been out west since ’92, my blood like my hairline              on the Third Saturday Each Month
         has thinned out.                                                       Starting at 9:00 AM
         I want to take a moment thank all who attended
         and who also helped in making this past Saturday’s      Speaker Schedule
         Masonic Family Breakfast another great success.         March 16
         If you couldn’t be there you truly missed out on
         learning all the new business developments occur-       Kel Palguta
         ring in the town of Prescott Valley.  Marnie Uhl,       Mayor of  Prescott Valley
         CEO of the Chamber of Commerce shared with us
         upcoming new business openings like Dunkin’ Do-         April 20 ( Tentative)
         nuts and Basking Robbins, as well as shared some        Frank Shankwitz
         interesting statistics regarding the town itself and    Founder of Make A Wish Foundation
         the chamber’s signature event Valley of Lights
         (Video to follow).

         Brothers, please mark on your schedules for next
         month.  Mayor Kel Palguta of Prescott Valley will
         be our guest speaker.  Mayor Palguta is a first time
         Mayor and recently won a close campaign.  For
         April, I am still trying to get Frank Shankwitz,
         Founder from the Make a Wish Foundation, but he
         is currently traveling the country promoting his
         upcoming movie.  In lieu of Frank, I am currently
         in the process on confirming an Arizona State
         Court of Appeals Federal Judge, who just so hap-
         pens to be a long time Prescott resident.  My goal
         is try to get speakers who we normally would not
         interact with on a daily basis, and that are enter-     Parade Committee
         taining.  If there is someone who you would like to
         hear or learn more about, please let me know and I      Money was approved at the last Stated Meeting for
         will try to reach out and get them scheduled.           participation in several parades. If you are interest-
         The Bill Fain Memorial Outdoor Degree is sched-         ed in participating please contact
         uled for September 7, 2019.  Please mark that date                                         Richard Guinn
         on your calendars.  I am in the process of putting
         together Team Captains for various functions for
         this event.  Once they have been confirmed you
         should start expecting calls each individual Team
         Captain as they start to recruit for their respective

         As you all know, there are many great things cur-
         rently occurring and being planned for Aztlan
         Lodge.  Should any Brother wish to participate in
         some capacity at a degree or even have an interest

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