Page 8 - March 2019 Aztlan Trestleboard
P. 8

At Meridian Height                                            ren of the lodge on this occasion. We had a
                                                                        great turnout (I’m starting to see a trend
         Beauty and glory.                                              here) of brothers on the sideline, and I want
                                                                        each of you to know that your attendance is
            Good day, Brethren. Even as we are
         still early into this year, I am pleased                       always appreciated. I feel that having a
         to say that we have had a busy start, full of fellow-          good number of brothers at a first degree is
         ship and greatness. I foresee this year continuing             especially important, this is the first time
         to have excellent turnouts for the breakfasts, stated          that most of these guys get to see the lodge,
         meetings, degrees, and other events.                           and having full lines in the north and south
                                                                        at that special moment is a great way to
             For those of you that have not attended all the            show a new brother the light by which we
         meetings and events so far, let me give you a brief            work.
         recap of a couple of the things that I have had the
         pleasure of being a part of, thus far, and look for-        Before I send this off, I wanted to express my
         ward to continuing with for the rest of this year.      gratitude to all the brothers that have been coming
                                                                 together to make all my above points, each and eve-
            Breakfast: Our January and February break-           ry one of you that have been with us at these meet-
                fasts have been averaging about 50 people        ings and events has really helped to bring a great
                in attendance, including brothers, friends,      feeling to the year. Let’s keep up this momentum
                family, guests, and very good guest speak-       and all the excellent moments of fellowship!
                ers from our local government offices. An-
                other notable point lately is that the stew-     As always, I look forward to sitting with you in
                ards and I have really enjoyed having a full     lodge and to all the good work we will continue to
                crowd to serve and this has brought a new        accomplish during 2019 and beyond.
                level of excitement and fun to the morning       Zach Cagley
                preparations. We are hoping these high
                turnouts will continue throughout the year.

            Traveling: We were visited by a good number
                of brothers from Central 14 lodge during
                our January stated meeting, and we re-
                turned that with 9 of us visiting them, for
                their stated meeting in February. Traveling
                is not only a lot of fun for the brothers do-
                ing the traveling, but it shows other lodges
                that we want to visit them and see their
                work. If anyone in the Prescott Valley area
                wishes to attend our next visit or others in
                the future, I have more room in my truck
                and am happy to pick you up and drop you
            Degrees: I had the pleasure of opening, clos-
                ing, and conferring the first degree recently
                and I must say that it was a wonderful feel-
                ing that I look forward to experiencing
                again soon. I also greatly appreciated all
                the good words and support from the breth-

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