Page 14 - DMEA Week 33 2022
P. 14
According to other sources, Sonangol’s Sonagás the operator, with a stake of 25.6%; CABGOC, a
subsidiary has joined forces with Opaia, a pri- subsidiary of Chevron (US), with 31%; Sonangol
vately owned Angolan firm, to build a fertiliser P&P, a subsidiary of Sonangol, with 19.8%; BP
plant near Soyo. (UK), with 11.8%; and TotalEnergies (France),
The partners began construction work on with 11.8%.
the $2.2bn facility this June, and they expect to All of these companies (IOCs) are active in
finish it in 2026. When complete, the plant will Angola’s offshore zone, and all are shareholders
be able to turn out 1.2mn tonnes per year (tpy) in Angola LNG, which operates a 5.2mn tonne
of fertiliser. per year (tpy) gas liquefaction plant near Soyo in
NGC is a consortium formed by Eni (Italy), Angola’s Zaire province.
Six million tyres produced by
Iran in first Persian quarter
MIDDLE EAST IRAN produced 5.97mn tyres in the first three in weight, down 20% y/y.
months of the current Persian calendar year Iran also produced 4,392 tonnes of bicycle
(March 21 to June 21), Mehr News Agency has and motorcycle tyres in the first Persian calen-
reported. The figure was 1% down year on year. dar year quarter.
Iranian tyre producers develop treads similar Hamidreza Abdolmaleki, head of the Associ-
to those of international players such as Conti- ation of Tyre Industry Guilds of Iran, was quoted
nental. Brands include Yazd Tire and Barez. Iran by Mehr as saying he hoped that Iranian tyre
stands as one of the largest tyre manufacturers companies would enter the Russian market in
in West Asia. Around 20mn tyres are produced the near future.
annually in the country. Some contracts in this respect were already
In terms of produced tyre tonnage, the three- concluded, he said.
month period saw production of 62,494 tonnes, Iranian tyre producers already export prod-
down 2% y/y. Of that tonnage, 39,083 tonnes uct to countries, including neighbours Afghan-
was made up of tyres for passenger cars, up 6% istan, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Armenia.
y/y. Trade officials in Iran report satisfaction that
Light truck tyre output decreased by 18% y/y there are no complaints that Iranian tyres are of
to 5,620 tonnes. Production of truck and bus inferior quality to European ones.
tyres fell by 10% y/y to 12,056 tonnes. Iran’s Pirozhi Tire brand was launched on
The production of tyres for agricultural the basis of Italian Pirelli designs in conjunc-
machinery dropped by 12% y/y to 4,835 tonnes. tion with Iran’s Pars Tire Company. Barez was
Tyres used by the road construction and indus- launched on the basis of a joint venture with
trial equipment sectors amounted to 900 tonnes Germany’s Continental.
Yazd Tire production line (Photo: Tappico)
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 33 18•August•2022