Page 16 - DMEA Week 33 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       “We look forward to continuing to work closely  TERMINALS & SHIPPING     Ghana and Indonesia. It is presently attempting
       with QatarEnergy to contribute to the develop-                           to overcome objections to its planned role in
       ment of this strategic offshore development.”  Karpowership could        addressing South Africa’s electricity deficit.
         “McDermott has decades of experience                                     Novatek holds a 60% stake in LNG-2. Stakes
       delivering projects in Qatar, a historically stra-  reportedly fill hole in   of 10% are held by France’s TotalEnergies, Japan
       tegic market, and is significantly increasing                            Arctic LNG (a consortium of Mitsui & Co
       localization efforts with the Tawteen In-Coun-  Russia’s LNG-2 project   and JOGMEC) and Chinese firms CNPC and
       try Value (ICV) program,” said Neil Gunnion,                             CNOOC.
       McDermott Qatar Country Manager and Vice   left by Baker Hughes          bne/IntelliNews, August 14 2022
       President Operations. “McDermott is uniquely
       positioned to combine its EPC expertise with   withdrawal                Nakilat achieves QAR730mn
       FEED and ensure that our design is practical,
       safe, and commercially viable.”     Russian gas producer Novatek reportedly plans   net profit for H1-2022
         The scope of the contract comprises devel-  to place an order for a 300- to 400-MW floating
       oping FEED studies for offshore and onshore  power plant from Turkey’s Karpowership.  Nakilat, the world’s largest liquefied natural
       pipelines, cables and associated facilities. The   The plant would be used in the first line of  gas (LNG) fleet owner, achieved a net profit
       project will be managed from the McDermott  Russia’s massive $21bn Arctic LNG-2 project,  of QAR730mn ($200.49mn) for the first half
       Doha office with support from Chennai.  the Turkish daily Sabah reported, citing Russian  of the year ended June 30, 2022, compared to
         About McDermott: McDermott is a premier,  newspaper Kommersant.        QAR636mn ($174.68) during the same period
       fully-integrated provider of engineering and   US energy services firm Baker Hughes in  in 2021, an increase of 14.9%.
       construction solutions to the energy industry.  June stopped providing all services to Russian   As a global leader and provider of choice for
       Our customers trust our technology-driven  liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects amid the  energy transportation and maritime services,
       approach engineered to responsibly harness and  waves of Western sanctions that hit Moscow in  Nakilat remains steadfastly committed to oper-
       transform global energy resources into the prod-  the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Gas  ational excellence, ensuring an uninterrupted,
       ucts the world needs. From concept to commis-  turbines needed for gas liquefaction and electric-  safe, reliable and efficient delivery of clean
       sioning, McDermott’s innovative expertise and  ity supply for the Novatek-led LNG development  energy to the world, through its maritime ser-
       capabilities advance the next generation of global  project in the Russian Arctic have thus become  vices. The company also continues to strengthen
       energy infrastructure,eempowering a brighter,  unobtainable from Baker Hughes.  its value proposition by offering ship repair,
       more sustainable future for us all. Operating in   Prior to the outbreak of the Ukraine con-  industrial and offshore fabrication, towage, and
       over 54 countries, McDermott’s locally-focused  flict, LNG-2 was expected to launch in 2023 and  other maritime services.
       and globally-integrated resources include more  attain full production capacity of towards 20mn   Here are the key financial highlights from
       than 30,000 employees, a diversified fleet of spe-  tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG in 2026.  the first half of 2022: Net profit of QAR730mn
       cialty marine construction vessels and fabrica-  Karpowership operates a fleet of around 20  ($200.49mn), increase by 14.9%. Charter of two
       tion facilities around the world.   ships that supply power to countries including  new-build carriers recently added to the compa-
       McDermott International, August 10 2022  Lebanon, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Mozambique,  ny’s fleet.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   18•August•2022
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