Page 17 - DMEA Week 33 2022
P. 17
Abdullah Al-Sulaiti, CEO, Nakilat, said: “We Company Ltd. (NAC). Shanghai first followed by Moscow, Tehran, St.
are pleased with Nakilat’s solid financial per- Nakilat, August 9 2022 Petersburg, Beijing, Cairo, Ashgabat, Minsk,
formance for the first half of 2022, reflecting the Istanbul and Ho Chi Minh City.
company’s superior operational excellence in The ranking features in The State of the
energy transportation and maritime services. REFINING & FUELS Global Air, a study published annually by the
With a greater global demand for maritime ship- US-based Health Effects Institute.
ping, Nakilat remains determined to meet cus- Turkish refiner Tupras Pallavi Pant, senior scientist at the Health
tomer needs and find both urgent and long-term Effects Institute in the US, who oversaw the
diversified, secure and reliable energy transpor- attains 100% capacity research for the analysis, told the Guardian:
tation solutions, providing value to our customer “Finding several Russian cities at the top of the
base and asset portfolio growth and sustainable utilisation in Q2-2022 list [for NO2 air pollution] was definitely sur-
returns for our shareholders.” prising for us. It is likely to mainly come from
As a testament to the company’s excellence Number one Turkish oil refiner, Istanbul-listed traffic pollution and a vehicle fleet that is older.”
in safety, sustainability and business continuity, Tupras, recorded a capacity utilisation rate of The problem of particulate pollution—
Nakilat achieved the British Safety Council’s 100% in Q2-2022, while production and sales caused by very fine pieces of soot or debris,
five-star rating for the fifth consecutive year were 7.1mn tonnes and 7.3mn tonnes, respec- largely from burning and some industrial
after completing the Council’s comprehensive tively, the company said in its latest financial sources—has been a growing cause of concern
audit scheme for safety, occupational health, and results reporting on August 15. around the world. But the problem of NO2 pol-
environmental management. Tupras added that it posted TRY136bn lution is less well researched. Scientists say there
Believing that our people are the main pillar ($7.52bn) in total second-quarter revenues. are limited on-the-ground monitoring stations
of our successes, Nakilat places a special focus “Continuing its investments in moderniza- that can detect the gas.
on the further development of the professional tion, energy efficiency and transition, the com- For their report, scientists from the Health
competencies of our workforce, including pany has made a total investment of TRY643mn Effects Institute utilised satellite data as well as
national talents. [$35.54mn] in the second quarter, 37% of which on-the-ground measurements to form a global
In recognition of the company’s prudent is sustainability investments,” the refiner also picture of fine particulate (PM2.5) and NO2 air
efforts in this realm of activity, Nakilat was stated in an announcement of the second-quar- pollution in more than 7,000 cities.
awarded the 2021 Qatarization Award at the ter results. NO2 is not as closely linked to mortality as
energy sector for supporting staff learning and Tupras also noted that during the quarter it particulate pollution. However, it can trigger
professional development. took its “first important step” to produce sus- a variety of respiratory problems, including
Since its establishment in 2004, Nakilat has tainable aviation fuel. The company signed a asthma in children.
evolved into a global leader and provider of licensing agreement with Honeywell to use UOP bne/IntelliNews, August 17 2022
choice for energy transportation and maritime Ecofining technology in sustainable aviation fuel
services. production.
With the world’s largest LNG fleet of 69 LNG bne/IntelliNews, August 16 2022
carriers, Nakilat also manages and operates one
floating storage regasification unit (FSRU), and Tehran, Cairo, Istanbul
four very large LPG carriers (VLGCs). In addi-
tion, the company provides comprehensive among “worst 10” for
ship repair and offshore fabrication services,
shipping agency services, as well as towage and NO2 pollution
other marine support services through its JVs:
Nakilat-Keppel Offshore & Marine (N-KOM), A latest “worst 10” ranking on big cities whose
Qatar Fabrication Company (QFAB), Nakilat populations are exposed to the world’s highest
SvitzerWisjmuller (NSW), and Nakilat Agency levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution places
Week 33 18•August•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P17