Page 4 - DMEA Week 33 2022
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                                                                                      Khursaniyah gas plant (Image: Saudi Aramco)
       Aramco posts bumper

       results for Q2-2022

       Saudi Aramco has done it again, posting the highest profit figures

       in the industry as demand recovers and crude oil prices remain high

                         MAJORITY  state-owned Saudi Aramco   well supplied and to facilitate an orderly energy
                         announced its Q2-2022 results this week, post-  transition.”
       WHAT:             ing a 90% year-on-year increase in net profit on   As has been de rigueur since its 2019 initial
       Aramco posted a 90% in-  the back of the two-thirds jump in the price of   public offering (IPO), Aramco’s announcement
       crease in net profit, while   crude oil since the begiinning of the quarter.  came with little detail on the development of its
       oil and gas production   The results back up previous statements from   oil reserves, the key to the Kingdom’s financial
       grew to 13.6mn boepd.  the company’s president and CEO Amin Nasser,   wellbeing.
                         who has repeatedly called for greater upstream
       WHY:              investment to cater to the coincidence of recov-  Finances
       The company is ben-  ery from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-  While the press has been quick to express con-
       efiting from improved   demic and conflict in Ukraine.  sternation at the scale of oil company results as
       downstream synergies,   Commenting on the results, Nasser said:   living costs spiral in many countries, the profits
       while upstream income   “Our record second-quarter results reflect   announced by the majors pale in comparison to
       has gained from high oil
       prices.           increasing demand for our products, particu-  the $48.4bn net profit posted by Aramco. This
                         larly as a low-cost producer with one of the low-  was almost $9bn higher than the three months
       WHAT NEXT:        est upstream carbon intensities in the industry.”  prior and nearly double the level achieved in
       Profits are being put to   He added: “While global market volatility   Q2-2021.
       work, paying off debt and   and economic uncertainty remain, events dur-  The company said that the improved perfor-
       funding a capital pro-  ing the first half of this year support our view   mance was “primarily driven by higher crude oil
       gramme that will enable   that ongoing investment in our industry is   prices and volumes sold, as well as strong refin-
       future oil output growth.  essential, both to help ensure markets remain   ing margins.”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   18•August•2022
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