Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 31 2021
P. 13

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       RUSSIA                              more than tripled, and to Romania more   up from a loss of 1.03 rubles a year ago.
                                           than quadrupled, while gas deliveries to   Operating expenses gained 12.4% to
       Gazprom Neft can boost              Poland grew by 14.6%, to Greece by 18.8%,   RUB109.962bn, and production costs
                                                                                shrank by 23.8% to RUB19.193bn.
                                           to Bulgaria by 47%, and to France by 6%
       hydrogen output to 250,000                                               to RUB280.102bn. Long-term liabilities
                                                                                  Capital of the company went up 4.8%
       tonnes by 2024                      Energy ministry asks                 decreased by 0.2% to RUB186.529bn,
                                                                                and short-term liabilities rose 37.5% to
       Russian oil producer Gazprom Neft   government to ban gasoline           RUB107.488bn.Oil output grew by 11.5% on
       will develop hydrogen production and                                     the year.
       transportation technologies and will more   exports fast
       than double output of the gas to 250,000
       tonnes by 2024 from the current 100,000   The Russian Energy Ministry has suggested   Russia sees OPEC+ output
       tonnes, the company said in a statement on   the government accelerate gasoline
       August 3.                           export prohibition, the authority said in a   rise meeting market
         "Gazprom Neft has entered the council   statement on July 30.
       of industrial partners of consortium   "The Energy Ministry of Russia    demand
       Technological Hydrogen Valley. The   addressed the government of the Russian
       company will participate in the projects   Federation asking it to issue an accelerated   The oil production increase in the
       of production, transportation and use of   order launching the procedure of gasoline   framework of OPEC plus deal is not too
       hydrogen, and recycling of carbon dioxide,"   exports prohibition," the ministry said.  aggressive for the market, Deputy Prime
       the company said.                      Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov said   Minister Alexander Novak said on July 30.
         Sibur, Russian Railways, Severstal,   on July 28 that the Ministry would analyze   "No, we do not see it like this. We see
       Rosatom, TMK and other companies are   gasoline exchange trade later last week to   this as quite reasonable," Novak said, when
       also participants of the consortium.  decide whether it should ban the exports.   asked whether the output growth was too
                                           He also said that the exports would be   fast.
                                           banned for three months at least.      "Demand is growing, consumption is
       Tatneft says oil output                                                  growing. There is the coronavirus, various
                                                                                waves of it but there is still a general
       rises to 15.6mn tonnes in           Report: Russia’s oil output          understanding that there are no lockdowns
                                                                                of the scale that used to be, transportation
       January-July                        rises 0.3% to 10.461mn bpd           is recovering. We see it by consumption.
                                                                                This is why we need to satisfy the market
       The oil output of Russian oil company   in July                          and raise production in order to balance
       Tatneft rose by 536,200 tonnes on the year                               demand and supply," he said.
       to 15.633 million tonnes in January–July,   Russia’s oil and gas condensate output grew   The OPEC plus alliance agreed on July 18
       the company said in a statement on August   by 0.3% on the month to 10.461 million   to prolong its oil output reduction deal until
       3.                                  barrels per day in July, Bloomberg reported   the end of 2022 and to increase combined
         Oil output of the Tatneft group of   on August 2, citing the Energy Ministry’s   oil production by 400,000 barrels per day
       companies increased by 520,700 tonnes to   CDU TEK dispatcher department.  each month starting from August 2021.
       15.806 million tonnes in the period.   Oil output grew by 11.5% on the year.

       Gazprom gas output rises  Slavneft swings to                             Russian Finance Ministry
                                                                                to return benefits to oil
       18.4% to 298.2 bcm in               RUB11.384bn IFRS net profit          workers only after OPEC+

       January-July                        in Jan-Jun

       The gas output of Russian gas giant   Oil company Slavneft, a joint venture   deal is over
       Gazprom increased 18.4% on the year to   of Russian oil companies Rosneft and   The Russian Ministry of Finance considers
       298.2 billion cubic meters in January–July,   Gazprom Neft, posted an RUB11.384bn   it inappropriate to return the privileges
       the company said in a statement published   January–June net profit attributable to the   for the production of extra-viscous and
       on its Telegram channel on August 2.  shareholders against a RUB4.888bn net loss   high-viscosity oil canceled from 2021 until
         Gas supplies to the internal market   in the same period of 2020, as calculated   the completion of the OPEC+ deal, under
       from Gazprom’s gas transmission system   under International Financial Reporting   which Russia limits its oil production,
       increased by 15.4%, or by 19.8 billion cubic   Standards (IFRS), the company said in a   Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Sazanov
       meters, in the period.              report on July 30.                   told reporters on July 30.
         Gas exports to the non-CIS states grew   Revenue increased by 41.4% on the   "The OPEC+ deal has not been
       by 23.2% on the year to 115.3 billion cubic   year to RUB132.234bn in the period, while   completed, here is the answer. Our position
       meters in the period. Exports to Germany   operating profit stood at RUB22.905bn   is the same - while the OPEC+ deal is
       rose by 42.2%, to Italy by 16.2%, to Serbia   against a RUB3.907bn net loss. Basic   working, it is inappropriate to return the
       more than doubled on the year, to Turkey   earnings per share amounted to RUB2.39,   benefits. As soon as we withdraw from

       Week 31   03•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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