Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 31 2021
P. 15
On July 21, the US and Germany reached segment’s length is 403 km and the design facilities.
an agreement on the Nord Stream 2 project. capacity is 13.9bn cubic metres per year.” Gazprom has already fully paid for the
Washington admitted that sanctions would entire volume of the ordered capacities
not stop its implementation, while Berlin under the contract, which includes "take-or-
pledged to work towards an extension of Russia, Turkey discussing pay" condition, the company added.
the Russian gas transit through Ukraine. In December 2019, Moscow and Kiev
US President Joe Biden said was practically long-term gas transit agreed to extend transit of Russian gas
complete and it was impossible to shut through Ukrainian territory for the period
down its construction. The US authorities agreement: official from 2020 to 2024, with the possibility of
reserved the right to take action in response extending the agreement for another 10
to Russia's use of energy as a "geopolitical Russia and Turkey are holding talks to years. The contract includes transit of 65
weapon" in Europe and "aggression against clinch a long-term gas transit deal, Russian bln cubic meters of gas in 2020 and 40 bln
Ukraine", according to the US Department Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak cubic meters annually from 2021 to 2024.
of State. told reporters on July 30. The transit arrangement assumes "take-or-
Russia has repeatedly stressed that Nord The working group discussed pay" principle, when a transit fee is charged
Stream 2 is a commercial project which is issues between Gazprom Export and in the amount of the booked capacity,
being implemented jointly with European Turkey’s Botas as part of the mixed regardless of the actual pumping volume.
partners. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry intergovernmental bilateral commission’s
Peskov expressed bewilderment at the meeting, Novak said.
attempts of some countries to determine the "This refers to concluding a long-term
gas pipeline’s fate on politically motivated [gas] transit agreement," the official said, CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH
circumstances. Furthermore, Moscow without providing details.
repeatedly stated that it has never used CAUCASUS
energy resources as a tool of pressure.rde
Capital brokerage said in a research note. Transit of Russian gas to EU ERIELL achieves record ROP
through Ukraine down 38% at Uzbek project
President Vucic thanks to RUB55.8bn in 2020 ERIELL, an international oilfield services
Russia for contributing to Transit of Russian gas to Europe through group, has said it achieved a record rate
of penetration (ROP) when drilling with
Serbia’s gas infrastructure the Gas Transmission System Operator of a 444.5 mm bit at Uzbekistan’s largest and
most complex project Mustakillikning 25
Ukraine (Gas TSO of Ukraine) amounted to
President Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia 55.8bn cubic metres in 2020, which is 38% Yilligi. It reached a daily meterage of 362m.
expressed his gratitude to Russia for its lower than the previous year, press service It also highlighted the commissioning
contribution to bolstering the Balkan of the operator reported on Saturday. of 52 gas pipelines, the preparation of three
nation’s gas infrastructure. "In 2020, Gas TSO of Ukraine allocated gas collector pipelines and the improvement
"This project is extremely important 55.8 bln cubic meters of gas in transit to of nine wells.
and I offer my thanks to the Serbian and Europe, which is 38% less than in 2019. The In April, ERIELL signed a new contract
Russian companies for their work that volume of gas transported from Europe with Uz-Kor Gas Chemical, according to
was carried out under such challenging to Ukraine for the same period amounted which 25 wells were overhauled during 1H
conditions," Vucic said in his speech at the to 15.9 bln cubic meters, which is 12% 2021.
construction site of a compressor station more compared to 2019," the company’s For LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating
near Velika Plana, aired by the Tanjug news statement said. Company, work was carried out to overhaul
agency. The president noted he was proud The average daily transit volume since four out of 11 wells.
that specialists from all over the world were the beginning of the year amounted to 153
engaged in its construction, particularly mln cubic meters per day, and in December
from Russia. This project is crucial for it increased to 183 mln cubic meters per Azerbaijan’s gas exports in
Serbia’s energy security, which will be of day due to additional orders through the
utter importance in the coming two decades auction platforms. At the same time, transit 1H ‘up more than a third’
along with food and financial stability, in the western direction amounted to 51.9
Vucic added. bln cubic meters (32% less than in 2019), Azerbaijan reportedly exported 9.1bn
On January 1, Alexander Vucic gave in particular to Poland - 3.8 bln cubic cubic metres of natural gas in the first half,
the green light to the launch of the Balkan meters, to Slovakia - 38.5 bln cubic meters, marking a 36% y/y increase.
Stream gas pipeline in Serbia, which started to Hungary - 9.6 bln cubic meters. In the Bloomberg said on July 31 that the
receiving natural gas from Russia after southern direction, transit amounted to 3.9 country’s energy ministry provided gas
that. The gas price from the new pipeline bln cubic meters, which is 70% less than a export data in an emailed statement.
would be $155 per 1,000 cubic meters. By year earlier. Azerbaijan’s neighbour Turkey reportedly
comparison, that same volume had cost The company explained the decrease in imported nearly 4.7bn cubic metres of
Belgrade $240 prior to the current project. the transit of Russian gas to Europe by the natural gas from Azerbaijan in the six
The pipeline segment in Serbia is an launch of new pipelines bypassing Ukraine, months, the ministry said, without giving a
extension of the leg of the TurkStream gas as well as a decrease in demand in the year-on-year comparison. Georgia bought
pipeline for gas supplies to Turkey and European Union and significant reserves of 1.2bn cubic metres.
then to Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary. The blue fuel in European underground storage Azerbaijan also exported almost 3.2bn
Week 31 03•August•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P15