Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 18

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       President Energy provides

       EVN-x1 drilling update

       AIM-listed President Energy has provided an
       update in relation to the drilling of the explora-
       tion well EVN-x1 near the Estancia Vieja field,
       Rio Negro Province, Argentina.
         Key points: Well successfully drilled to target
       depth of 2,000 metres and cased on time and
       budget; both full suite electric logs and mud logs
       show clear moveable live gas and oil pay with
       good pressure, porosity and permeability; the
       results so far support pre-drill P50 projections,
       subject to testing in due course; drilling rig is
       demobilising and the well will be completed and
       tested before the end of the year by the workover
         Drilling Programme: The exploration well
       EVN-x1 has been successfully drilled to its target
       depth of 2,000 metres and cased on time and on  within the next two months once the workover  has now been completed by the workover rig and
       budget. Before casing, a full suite of electric logs  rig finishes other pre-planned work in our fields.  testing has been concluded.
       were run as well as pressure testing to supple-  In the meantime, as previously announced, we   The first interval tested was a thin interval of 2
       ment the mud logs obtained during the drilling  are looking to materially increase our gas pro-  metres at the bottom of the well. This flowed gas
       process.                            duction around the end November bringing on  successfully at ranges between 50,000-100,000
         The electric logs confirmed the evidence  line two/three new contributors, also putting  cubic metres per day. However, as this was only
       shown by mud logs of net pay of a total of 10  back on line certain oil wells in Rio Negro which  a thin interval and would deplete in a relatively
       metres of clear live moveable hydrocarbon pay  have been out of commission for several months  short time, it was considered that the next zone
       in two clean sand intervals both with good pres-  requiring repair.”     above of some 8 metres offered a better oppor-
       sure, permeability and porosity (latter in excess   President Energy, October 27 2020  tunity for longer stable flow. Accordingly, the
       of 20%). Of this some 7 metres is considered oil                         lowest interval was plugged and testing moved
       and the balance gas.                President Energy provides            to the next section up the hole.
         These results provide support for the pre-                               This interval has now been likewise suc-
       drill projections of production of 60,000 cubic   LB-1001 drilling update  cessfully tested and demonstrated that on pro-
       metres per day (353 boepd) of gas and 188 bpd,                           duction it would flow initially at 100,000 cubic
       which can only be verified on testing due to the  AIM-listed President Energy has provided  metres per day (588 boepd) with good pressure.
       fact that this is a previously undrilled structure  an update in relation to the newly drilled well  Accordingly, the rig has now moved off site to the
       with no direct analogue as to production perfor-  LB-1001, Las Bases field, Rio Negro, Argentina.  next well to be worked over.
       mance. Accordingly, until successful testing, it is   Key points: Net gas pay re-calculated at   LB-1001 will be readied to be placed in pro-
       too early to come to any conclusions as to actual  an increased 70 metres over several intervals;  duction by the end of November to coincide
       producibility and size of the respective reservoirs  well has been completed by workover rig and  with the coming on line of some 75,000 cubic
       for gas and oil. Testing will be made of each indi-  tested; testing successful, validating pre-drill  metres per day (440 boepd) new gas production
       vidual interval which will not be co-mingled.  estimates of 100,000 cubic metres per day (588  from the Estancia Vieja field recently finished
         The drilling rig is now beginning to demobi-  boepd) initial gas production; results identified  workovers.
       lise back to its base and the workover rig will be  good potential for new workover for the shut   The intervals higher up the well will be tar-
       brought in to complete and test the well. This is  in well, LB-1 now to be performed before year  geted in the future as and when this current zone
       expected to be before the end of the year, as the  end, and a new follow on well to be considered  is depleted. However, the results of the log anal-
       rig is committed to work in President’s Puesto  for drilling next year; rig now has moved off to  ysis of this well have now identified the potential
       Flores field to repair two producing wells and  next workover and well will be tied in and placed  for a workover and perforation of intervals in
       then to go to the Las Bases field to perform one  on production by end-November; this will also  the shut in well LB-1 in the same field to initiate
       or two workovers on shut in wells generated by  coincide with the bringing into production of an  new, previously untapped gas production. This
       the success of the Las Bases 1001 well drilled last  estimated further 75,000 cubic metres per day  workover is now scheduled for before the end of
       month.                              (440 boepd) from the workovers of wells in the  the year.
         Peter Levine, Chairman commented: “It is  Estancia Vieja field.          As well as the workover, the results have
       always good to see clear evidence of moveable   Commentary: After independent expert  opened up the potential for a further new devel-
       live gas and oil in an exploration well being  analysis of the suite of electric logs run in open  opment well to be drilled at the Las Bases field.
       drilled in a new structure. However, it is pre-  hole before the newly drilled LB-1001 well was  This will be considered for next year. Thus, by
       cisely because of that and the lack of analogue  cased, it is now estimated that net gas pay of the  end-November, from the above wells, President
       evidence that one must prudently reserve judge-  well spread over several intervals has increased  expects 175,000 cubic metres per day (1,028
       ment and be cautious until the well is tested  by 32% to 70 metres from 54 metres. The well  boepd) of new gas production come on stream.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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