Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 19

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       President’s intention is to build into its gas port-  construction and maintenance services for more   The project has been possible thanks to Lipi-
       folio the capacity to reduce or increase produc-  than 1,500 kmof pipelines and for all relevant  gas’ commitment to vehicular liquefied natural
       tion flows to reflect seasonal price variations  equipment and processing plants. The pipelines  gas, with the aim of contributing to sustainable
       to optimise profitability and cash flows whilst  connect Peru’s main gas field Camisea to the  development through the design of efficient
       maintaining a base load of income. The delib-  Peruvian coast line and are of critical importance  energy solutions that help its customers in the
       erately planned increasing of the number of  to the energy distribution of the country.  challenge of reducing their environmental
       producing wells in the portfolio to provide flex-  “Stork is honored to be selected by COGA  impact and that thanks this fuel will reduce CO2
       ibility and redundancy as well as good reservoir  for this important contract,” said Taco de Haan,  emissions, nitrogen oxides and fine particles.
       management is therefore integral to this strategy.  Stork’s president. “Stork will provide service   The new service station will allow the contin-
       President Energy, October 26 2020   excellence according to the highest safety stand-  uous supply of LNG to a fleet of 30 trucks from
                                           ards relying upon our vast experience in pipeline  Cervecera AB InBev Chile, which will be incor-
       Borders & Southern extends          construction and maintenance in Latin Amer-  porated into the transport fleet of Transportes
                                           ica, as well as leverage our global expertise and  San Gabriel. The vehicles, which reduce harm-
       Falklands production                network of specialists across Fluor, Stork and  ful emissions to the environment, will allow fuel
                                           SICIM’s geotechnical expertise. This contract  savings of over 20% compared to other less envi-
       licences                            further solidifies Stork’s strong position and cli-  ronmentally friendly fuels.
                                                                                  Lipigas is a relevant player in the energy mar-
                                           ent confidence in Latin America allowing us to
       Borders & Southern Petroleum has been granted  further grow our local employment in the com-  ket in Latin America, with a presence in Chile,
       an extension to its Falkland Islands licences.  munities in which we live and work.”  Colombia and Peru, which allows it to deliver
         The Company’s Production Licences, PL018,   Pre-mobilisation activities of this contract  comprehensive energy solutions to its custom-
       PL019 and PL020, which grant exclusive rights  have started with execution expected to begin in  ers through its different products, which on
       for surveying, drilling and production within the  the first quarter of 2021 and completion sched-  their own or with combined solutions satisfy the
       specified area, were due to expire on October 31  uled in mid-2026.      needs energy of its customers.
       this year. In light of the approaching expiry date   Fluor, October 20 2020  HAM Chile has been operating for several
       the Company applied for, and has been granted,                           years in South America, with its own facilities
       an extension to these licences by the Falkland                           and staff in the Santiago metropolitan region,
       Islands Government. The new expiry date for the  DOWNSTREAM              which allows HAM Group to continue its expan-
       licences will be January 31, 2022, which brings                          sion and have greater proximity with its custom-
       them in line with the expiry date for the Com-  HAM and Lipigas build    ers, making available a wide variety of products
       pany’s Darwin Discovery Area Licence. There                              and services: design, construction, maintenance
       is no additional work programme commitment   Chile’s first LNG gas station  and supply of CNG-LNG service stations; regasi-
       associated with the licence extension.                                   fication plants (PSR), bunkering, manufacture of
         Borders & Southern holds a 100% equity  HAM Chile, a subsidiary of HAM Group, has  cryogenic tanks for LNG and air gases, etc.
       interest and operatorship in three Production  been chosen by Lipigas Companies for the   HAM Group commitment to the envi-
       Licences in the Falkland Islands covering an  design, construction and commissioning of  ronment has been recognised with multiple
       area of nearly 10,000 square km. The licences are  Chile’s first liquefied natural gas (LNG) gas sta-  mentions and awards, the last of which is the
       located approximately 150 km south-east of the  tion. This will be located at the facilities of Trans-  Environmental Entrepreneurship Award,
       Islands.                            portes San Gabriel, Linares, Maule Region, very  granted by Gasnam, the Iberian Association that
       Borders & Southern Petroleum, October 26 2020  close to the Ruta Cinco Sur (Pan-American  is responsible for promoting the use of natural
                                           Highway in Chile), which is part of the country’s  gas, both in land mobility as maritime.
                                           main land communication artery.      HAM Group, October 21 2020
       Fluor’s Stork wins five-

       year contract for pipeline

       maintenance in Peru

       Fluor announced today that Stork, part of Fluor’s
       Diversified Services segment, was awarded a new
       approximately five-year contract under the con-
       sortium of CMgP, Consorcio Mantenimiento de
       Gasoductos del Peru, (Stork Peru and SICIM) by
       Compañía Operadora de Gas (COGA) in Peru.
       Fluor booked the undisclosed contract value in
       the third quarter of 2020.
         Stork will provide integral pipeline mainte-
       nance services to the Sistema De Transporte De
       Gas Natural y Líquidos de Gas Natural de Cami-
       sea, operated by COGA. The consortium will
       jointly plan, prepare and deliver geotechnical,

       Week 43   29•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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