Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 15

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       Petrobras revises 2020 production

       forecast upward to 2.84mn bpd

                         BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro-  32%, while in the other areas – post-salt, shallow
                         bras has raised its average production forecast   waters and onshore – there was a contraction,”
                         for 2020 by 2.5% to 2.84mn barrels of oil equiv-  it added.
                         alent per day (boepd), with oil accounting for   One of these pre-salt sites – Búzios, which
                         2.28mn barrels per day (bpd) of the total.  is the largest deepwater crude oil deposit in
                           The state-run major had originally antic-  the world – hit multiple monthly production
                         ipated that total output would reach 2.7mn   records during the third quarter. Total output
                         boepd this year, with oil making up 2.2mn bpd   reached an all-time high of 615,000 bpd in July,
                         of the total. But it has revised its targets now that   and one of the field’s wells yielded just over
                         yields are climbing back up towards the levels   69,000 bpd in September, a record-high volume
                         prevailing before the advent of the coronavirus   for a single well.
                         (COVID-19) pandemic. Many of the NOC’s   Also in September, the pre-salt field known
                         fields suspended production in response to the   as Tupi saw its accumulated production reach
                         outbreak but have now resumed development   2bn barrels of oil equivalent (boe). It reached
                         operations.                          this milestone two decades after the signing of
                           In a report released last week, Petrobras said   its concession contract, Petrobras noted. ™
                         that it had extracted 2.952mn boepd of crude oil,
                         natural gas liquids (NGLs) and natural gas in the
                         third quarter. This was up by 5.4% on the figure
                         recorded in the second quarter, it noted.
                           The company also said that its offshore pre-
                         salt fields had seen crude production rise to
                         1.651mn bpd in the third quarter, up by 8.1% on
                         the previous quarter.
                           The increase stemmed mainly from an
                         improvement in the operational efficiency
                         of platforms at the Búzios field, as well as the
                         ramp-up of production platforms at the Tupi
                         and Atapu oilfields, the company said.
                           “Petrobras’ operational performance in [the
                         third quarter] was very good, considering the
                         challenging scenario imposed by the COVID-
                         19 pandemic,” the firm said.
                           “Our oil and gas production in Brazil grew
                         by 9.0% in the first nine months of this year,
                         compared to [the same period of] last year. The
                         production of the pre-salt fields increased by   Búzios hit multiple output records in Q3-2020 (Image: Comunica Bacia de Santos)

       Australia’s Karoon gets green

       light for Brazil offshore purchase

                         AUSTRALIAN oil and gas company Karoon   the end of this month, subject to certain condi-
                         Energy has received the go-ahead from Brazil’s   tions, including floating production, storage and
                         National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and   off-loading (FPSO) vessel charter assignment,
                         Biofuels (ANP) to acquire the Baúna offshore   the firm said. “Karoon is aiming to close the
                         oilfield from state-run Petrobras.   transaction on October 30, 2020, and will keep
                           The company, which operates in Australia,   the market updated on progress,” the company
                         Brazil and Peru, hopes to finalise the deal at   said in a press statement.

       Week 43   29•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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