Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 11

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       AMLO dismisses US legislators’

       critique of Mexican energy policy

                         MEXICAN President Andres Manuel Lopez   The US legislators also expressed interest in
                         Obrador has dismissed claims that his govern-  preserving the energy reforms adopted in 2013-
                         ment’s energy policy puts US-based companies   2014 by former President Enrique Peña Nieto.
                         at an unfair disadvantage.           They urged the US president to work with Mex-
                           On October 24, Lopez Obrador spoke crit-  ico’s current government to resolve the matter.
                         ically about the allegations made by 43 mem-  Lopez Obrador has frequently expressed his
                         bers of the US Congress in a letter addressed to   opposition to his predecessor’s energy policy,
                         US President Donald Trump. He was speaking   saying he would rather protect and promote
                         the day after Reuters published a report that   state-owned entities such as Pemex and CFE
                         included short excerpts from the letter, which   than seek more foreign investment. He has
                         was dated October 22. (Four Congressional   also indicated, though, that he prefers to work
                         sources have confirmed the authenticity of the   toward these goals without amending the coun-
                         letter, according to the news agency.)  try’s constitution.
                           The Mexican leader was particularly dis-  The Mexican president spoke out against
                         missive of the US lawmakers’ assertion that   the US lawmakers’ claims shortly after the US
                         his energy policy contravened provisions of   Energy Information Administration (EIA)
                         the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement   noted that US natural gas exports to Mexico
                         (USMCA), the new bilateral trade deal signed   had continued to rise this year, in line with
                         earlier this year. He pointed out that the USMCA   long-standing trends. “These increases have
                         included two paragraphs that acknowledge   more than offset declines in Mexico’s imports
                         Mexico’s “absolute, sovereign right” to set its   of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and relatively
                         own course on this front.            smaller declines in Mexico’s domestic natural
                           “With much respect, in this matter, we have   gas production,” the EIA said in its October 22
                         not signed any agreement with the government   edition of Today in Energy. ™
                         of the United States or Canada,” he commented
                         during a visit to northern Mexico.
                           According to Reuters, the letter in question
                         referenced reports of a leaked memo in which
                         Lopez Obrador called for Mexico’s regulatory
                         agencies to use all of the means available to
                         uphold the interests of Pemex, the national oil
                         company (NOC), and Comision Federal de
                         Electricidad (CFE), the national power provider.
                         The president’s policy prescriptions represent
                         “a pattern of obstruction” that could harm US
                         energy companies working in Mexico, they said.
                           “These efforts violate and contradict the
                         spirit, if not the letter, of the USMCA, an agree-
                         ment among whose primary objectives are to
                         promote growth among the participant coun-
                         tries,” they added.                  The president visited northern Mexico at the weekend (Photo:

       IEnova eyes CFE as partner for ECA project

                         THE Mexican infrastructure firm IEnova has   US utility Sempra Energy, said in a recent con-
                         said it is interested in teaming up with the state-  ference call that the terminal would help CFE
                         run power provider CFE for the Energía Costa   to use its transport capacity at the national grid
                         Azul (ECA) project, which will involve the con-  better. “We have a strong and constructive rela-
                         struction of a natural gas liquefaction plant at the   tionship with CFE,” IEnova’s CEO Tania Ortiz
                         site of an existing LNG regasification terminal.  Mena said during the company’s third-quarter
                           IEnova, which is the Mexican subsidiary of   conference call, according to S&P Global Platts.

       Week 43   29•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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