Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 43 2020
P. 12

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

                                The existing terminal is capable of importing LNG but not exporting it (Photo: Vinci Construction Projets)

                         The company also said that it still expected the   Salina Cruz project
                         Mexican government to award it an export   Many companies around the world have delayed
                         permit soon. The company cannot take a final   decisions about building new LNG export ter-
                         investment decision (FID) on the ECA project,   minals since the beginning of the coronavirus
                         which is expected to cost about $1.9bn, until it   (COVID-19) pandemic, which triggered a sharp
                         meets this milestone.                decline in energy demand. Earlier this month,
                           “We continue to work closely with the federal   though, the Mexican government announced a
                         government to obtain the export permit and ...   $1.2bn tender for the construction of a gas liq-
                         [take a] final investment decision shortly,” Mena   uefaction plant in the southern state of Oaxaca,
                         was quoted as saying by Reuters.     on the Pacific coast.
                           The terminal would become IEnova’s first   The proposed terminal, which is being devel-
                         LNG export facility. The company’s existing   oped by Salina Cruz LNG, would be capable of
                         LNG terminal, which began operating in 2008,   turning out 500,000 tpy of LNG and would use
                         is only used to import LNG.          existing marine infrastructure in the port of
                           According to previous reports, the first phase   Salina Cruz. The project is targeting a start date
                         of the ECA facility will be able to turn out 2.4mn   of 2023 and will mainly serve Mexico’s domestic
                         tonnes per year of LNG. The export terminal’s   gas market.
                         capacity may eventually rise to 12mn tpy.  Salina Cruz LNG hopes to secure feedstock
                           IEnova’s management team has high hopes   for the plant via an existing pipeline from Ver-
                         for the new terminal. Experts believe that ECA’s   acruz. This link, operated by the national gas
                         Pacific Coast location could give it an advantage   transmission system operator CENAGAS, han-
                         over export facilities on the US Gulf Coast with   dles production from offshore fields in the Gulf
                         respect to accessing key markets in Asia.  of Mexico. ™

       ANH authorises 16 companies

       to bid in third licensing round

                         COLOMBIA’S state oil regulator, the National   companies had already been pre-authorised to
                         Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH), said last week   submit bids. As for the remaining four, only one
                         that it had authorised 16 companies to bid for   more, a subsidiary of Maurel & Prom (France),
                         the four onshore blocks included in the upcom-  had secured approval, it noted.
                         ing third licensing round.             ANH’s statement did not name the three dis-
                           In a statement, ANH said that 19 companies   qualified investors. Documents posted on the
                         had applied for permission to participate in the   agency’s website indicate that the list of author-
                         bidding process. Of these 19, it explained, 15   ised bidders included six Colombian companies.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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